Strange awakening...

Okay, so I was in an ND, and I started to hear a buzzing sound, and noticed that my right hand was tingling, so I started examining it (turning it around looking at all sides) and I noticed that when I brought my hand closer to my face, the buzzing got louder, this sound was coming out of my hand and it was tingling, (like, EXTREMELY tingly.) I woke up and realised that i was sleeping on my arm, and it was tingling IRL. But what was this buzzing sound? (It stopped when I woke up)And is it wierd that I felt my real body in a dream?

Hi Deltron 3030.

It is not uncommon to dream about a certain body part that gets less blood, it’s our boddy’s way of waking us up sometimes I guess. The sound might have just been a (random) added part to this. Also it is not weird at all that you can feel your real body in the dream, although it is at times very hard to say if it is really your physical body and not your dream body, since these two feel extremely alike!

hey there :smile:

i have had the same thing a few times as well, as far as i understand it from my own experinces, the buzzing sound is acutally there as a side effect, it is our dreams incorperating something from rl into the dream world. also when i get pins and needles irl, i hear faint buzzing tingle anywayz, wheather i create this in my own mind or it is acutally vibrating i dont know :smile: and as Xetrov said its not weird at all :smile: its also a way of a bodys self defence, think if we are too cold we can have freezing cold dreams where we feel our real bodies being cold, we can awake and move and get to a warmer area, or your arm, lye on it too long it might fall off :wink: cool experince tho!

awesome, thanks