Sometimes I seem to get some sort of dreams where I’m aware that it’s all in my head but they aren’t that vivid at all. It’s more like my imagination but I don’t have to controll everything in it, people move and talk by themselves and so on. I usually get these in form of first HI and then this sort of “dream” or if I’m imagining something and suddenly everything starts “living” without me having to controll anything but myself
I guess it could be non-rem or maybe it’s just some form of HI. But if it was HI it would be much more vivid, so I don’t know that to think about it
No I can move just fine when I’m in this. It’s hard to explain exactly what it really is but anyway. When the “dream” first start I’m only imagining (visualizing) what’s going on and after a while it gets more like a dream but it’s not as vivid as a dream. And suddenly stuff happen by itself, people are moving and talking completely by themselves just like in a dream.
So it’s basically a lucid dream that’s very blurry.
I have called it “night fantasies” and I have had this as long as I can remember. I used to imagine fantastic stories to make it less boring to wait for sleep. Then the characters would begin to get…wills of their own. I can still get conscious moments where I can “push” it into the “script” again.
This sounds so familiar… I once experienced the same thing, with the exception that I was really unable to move. In fact, it was like I wasn’t there at all. I had no body, there was only consciousness and the whole dream seemed rather blurry. I saw it all as an observer looking upon it from above. Only… there was no above, only this dream inside of me! Really hard to explain, but I have a feeling this resembles your experience.
I’ve had this to, and if its possible to WILD from it it would be great, since I find it much easier to do than normal WILDing (which I haven’t gotten far in at all). Something for the Lucid Laboratory?
I think I’ve had this too, a few days ago when I had just woken up and started fantasizing, things started happening by themselves and stuff, as if I had fallen asleep again and was dreaming. The only difference was that I knew I was imagining everything… Couldn’t really control it much though, and it wasn’t vivid at all.
is that like when you wake up form an nd and start thinking about what u awnt to happen next in it and eventulaly u fall asleep again back into the nd when things happen like u wanted?
I think such things are just imagined… In the state of falling asleep any idea becomes somehow free of your control. For example, once I was just imagining myself crawling up a rope while trying WILD, and here of a sudden I heard the rope break and felt myself falling… It was really weird, because I even did not imagine it very vividly, I just thought about it.
And those thoughts after a ND, like biff said, I have them sometimes, too, and I also noticed, that the second dream is always less interesting, that the original. I wonder if it is the same for all people…