I have been trying the Suneye method since last Saturday and this morning (Thursday) I had a lucid dream. I woke up at 5 am, performed the method and fell asleep again. I found myself in a car with a girl. There was a woman on a bus behind me hinting about Matrix agents pretending to be normal people. We got out of the car and it turns out that the girl was a demon about to devour me.
The dream stopped and I could feel the vibrations. I started to separate from my body. I thought I was going into an OBE (I haven’t had one before this). I floated in the room quite slowly, but was soon able to go through walls and the like in the manner of a typical etheric projection.
The problem is though that there were many discrepancies in the world I was in. For example I saw my cat rolling around and her red dinner saucer was outside even though my cat has been dead for a few years now. Also, by the garage I saw that belongs to my neighbours there was a fridge and a large bottle of orange juice, neither of which is actually there. The only thing in my environment that I could manipulate was a dog that I was able to lift up by willing and put down again (I don’t have a dog, and never have had one).
So I am quite curious as to what this experience actually was. I can’t have had all of my critical faculties or I would have noticed these things. It felt like an OBE, but I clearly can’t have been in an etheric replica of the physical world or there wouldn’t have been any discrepancies (or could I have, but just projected these things onto my environment?).
Anyway, I would like to know if others have had a similar experience.