I am rather newbie in LD’s but in fits and starts I try to get LD.
twice I got very strange and similar dreams:
some time ago in the dream I behold nuclear explosion, I realized that I am going to die, I thougt that life was great and I felt sorry about dying (for extremely short moment) and then… EVERYTHING BECOMES WHITE, there was nothing more than WHITENESS; I slept but it felt like fully awaked, then I thought “am I dead?” and the dream was over.
In “ordinary” dream everything gradually was becoming colorless and then everything changed to WHITENESS, the same WHITENESS as I described above. As stay in this strange dream for a moment with feeling of lucidity and then the dream was gone as soon as the thought emerged from my mínd “what is it?”.
so, I dont know if this whiteness was just regular dream or some kind of LD, maybe someone can tell me.
sounds to me like a perfect state to hold to get some deep meditation
this happened to me once in a LD where I desperately tried to change dream scene, but nothing was stable. all became a mental white, after a little some names appeared which were linked to one recuring dream.
The whiteness is for me, when you’re changing between dreams. The less thoughts you have, the better your chances of staying asleep, until your next dream fades in. Its a perfect chance to LD. This is Freecube posting on my friends name. so we dont get confused as he still hasnt had any. Also, this belongs on the dream journal forums
reading your opinions and I get some motivation to find the answer with LD practice!!
but I cant stop wonder why that was white, does white mean anything special? couldnt it be just black?