I had two strange dreams that were eerily similar in some ways. They were very vivid and were the first dreams I have ever died in… that I can recall at the moment. I wanted to know what someone thought about them. Just curious…
(1) I was up late and my mom was sleeping on the couch
I was waiting for a movie to start and my mom, even though she was asleep, told me I couldnt whatch the movie because it was bad and she would find out if I whatched it when she woke up. She said I shouldnt stay up late and along with her other warnings, she kept telling me to lock the door. She warned me that someone would break in. I continued arguing with her and the inevitable happend… someone broke in, and at this point in the dream I took the point of view of the man, and he shot me. I died and I woke up.
(2) I was on a stone path… a stone that resembled the kind of stone you might find in a desert. This path was floating in the middle of no where. set along the sides of the path were houses made of almost entirly glass. I remember walking up and down the path and I knew my family was there but they were no where to be seen. Walking up and down the path was something I had to do in the dream, It seemed like a daily task (Im not sure why). As I walked along the path I occasionaly entered the glass houses and in each was a person sleeping on a couch. Walking up and down the path went on for some time… and as I remember it now it seemed like I did it for hours. Finaly after all that I walked down the path… back and forth. And I did forget to mention that this path had a sharp corner at the end of it. The curve stood out in the dream so I feel I must mentiong it. I then stopped at the curve in the path and looked over the edge (of the path). I dont remember what I saw. 2 of my friends walked around the corner and one of them was crying and said to me, “Jeremy dont, I’ve done that before! you cant do that dont lean over!” (Jeremy is my name) At the time she was telling me this the view of the dream was shifted to 3rd person over her. Suddenly out of no where I was in a car that was leaning over the edge. I said “its all right i’ll be fine” and proceeded to lean over. after that I was leaning over just to see how far I could go with out falling. Then having realized I was in fact going to fall I tried coming back into the car but an invisible force was pulling me farther off. I fell down onto a river bank and knew I was going to die. I thought to myslef… “No I must fight it” and I tried to get up. As I tried to get up it was as if thier was a wieght on my shoulders and it was getting heavier, pushing me back down. One by one my limbs were becoming paralysed and my vision bagan to fade black… I lost conciousness and died…
- The 2 dreams were similar to me in certain ways. The main thing that stood out in both dreams were the same. To put it simply…
- People were sleeping on couches in both dreams…
- I was warned not to do somthing, repeatedly
- I was too focused on something else to prevent my death
- The point of view changed (1st person, 3rd person ect…)
- I die