Strange experience. Any explanations would be appreciated!

I know this is long. Sorry!

Anyhow-[color=black]every morning I wake up early to go to work and set my alarm a little bit earlier than I have to so I can lie in a bit. So at 6.20am the alarm goes off and I lay in bed for 15 minutes and get up. Often, I turn the alarm off while I’m still half asleep (because I’m so used to this routine).

When I do this, my lie in sometimes consists of a vague dream. And I’m kind of aware that time is passing and I have to get up, but in this state I hold a lot of strange beliefs. Even though these beliefs lead me into doing the right thing (eventually waking up) I have strange idea’s of why I have to do this, like I’ve got to get up to get to my car in time or something equally erroneous. Sometimes, if the dream gets a bit vivid, I am late and wake up at about 7.00am (much to my annoyance!).

So this brings me to my point and reason for me to bring this up. I’d been doing this for some time, where my alarm would go off at 6.20. I would hear it and turn it off (I knew I wasn’t dreaming this because, when I finally wake up, the alarm would be off). So I hear the alarm and lapse into my half dream like state, laying in bed thinking, until I panic a little and realise I have to get up or I’ll be late again.

Just recently, I’ve gone through a whole vague dream and laid there, thinking for what seems like at least 20 minutes until I’m sure that when I wake up and see the clock, its going to say 7.00am or something. Instead it has been saying 6.20am! As if no time had passed at all. :confused:

I’m serious! This morning, it happened again, and freaked me out. I can’t stress enough, how much this felt like I was going to be late. I had been thinking of a lot, it really felt like about 20 minutes. Then I just see the clock change to 6.21am, so 1 minute had passed. What is this!? :confused: :confused: :confused: [/color]

this isn’t to unusual, if you read through other people drams they can lat for a few days, when it’s only been a few hrs. I myself have had dreams that seem to last much longer than the 10min snooze alarm. do you have LD?
If not then this is a very good way to start having them, just set your alarm 30min before you need to get up and put it on snooze, and see what happens.

I have had this same sort of experience. On Saturdays, if I’m allowed to sleep in, this same sort of thing happens. I’ll “wake up”, roll over, and close my eyes. Thats where it starts. Sometimes I’ll have a vivid dream, sometimes I’ll have a very short dream. Usually I won’t remember much about my dream. Then I’ll “wake up” again, and repeat the cycle. This happens for about 3 hours, unless I fall fully asleep, but its no use, since I have to get up anyways.

I have two points of view on your situation.

As a dreamer, I think that if you want to indulge yourself in this experience more often, you should should just give in to this dreamlike state. Just let go of that will to wake up, and go with the flow to see where it takes you! Of course, this could extend past the usual time when you get out of bed, so it’s advisable that you set your alarm earlier than normal so that you do not end up sleeping in.

As a person who wakes up early, I don’t think that what you’re doing is safe for your schedule. I’m not anti-LD, but lying in bed when you haven’t stepped into your proper conscience is very risky, and should only be attempted on days when you have a free morning, or after sleep cycles that occur after going to bed early, and waking up early. You’ve gotten quite lucky, because your time is condensed in these dreamlike states. I have experienced what you have about 4 times that I can recall. I’ve been able to get up on time 2 of those times on account of little time passing when it feels like half an hour, but 1 time I got a late start, and the other time, I missed my bus entirely. In my opinion, it’s much more important to be able to get up right when you hear that alarm than to lie in bed. There’s never any guarantee that lying in your bed during a dreamlike state will affect time.

It is possible to induce LDs in the morning after you have just woken up in bed. Maybe that’s the method you would like to try, and if it is, than go for it!

Thanks everyone. Its good to hear that other people have had similar experiences.

Yes tired girl, I do have LD’s but only rarely. I wasn’t trying to LD either, since it would almost certainly make me sleep late or make me tired for the rest of the day. Unfortunetely, this only seems to happen on work days, when I’m getting up early.

I know what you mean about effecting time. Time seems to take strange paths when I’m asleep, and at this time, I hold strange beliefs as well, even spiritual beleifs that I wouldn’t even entertain while I was awake!

if this time paradox pleases your cup of tea…, after turning your alarm clock off at 6.20, dream as long as it may seem to you and then wake up at 6.19, shut off your alarm clock off before it rings again and be at work early, in a mood unique.

LOL i do that too! set my alarm earlier so i can sleep in and just keep hittin the snooze button :razz:
I also set my alarm clock ahead of my watch by about 5-10minutes and i rely heavily on my watch. So when i snooze for too long i think “crap im late for work” then I get ready anyway coz ‘its better late than never’ and I put my watch on and turns out I’m actually on time for work :happy:

But yeah, yesterday I had a 2 hour lucid dream in the space of a minute. I remember lookin at my clock it was 6:44am, I fell asleep had that 2 hour long lucid dream and when I looked at the clock again it was 6:45am. I was absolutely astonished.

Wish I could have a 2 hour lucid! (or at least feel like I did!)

I also used to set my clock late! I stopped doing it, because, whenever we would have a powercut, I would set it 10 minutes later for some reason and after a while it was over 40 minutes late!!!

I thought it was getting silly so now everything is on time and if i’m late, i’m late!

Thats not the weirdest thing, i’ve actually fallen asleep at 2:20 and woke up at 1:13! Its always bugged me, but i haven’t told anyone, it was weird because the same tv shows and episodes were on as earlier…

You’re joking, right?

Maybe you just dreamed you woke up at an earlier time.

Cue5c that sounds cool. Perhaps it was a brain glitch. I had one once. Mother woke me up and said “you have a visitor” And my friend came in, sat down on my couch and asked “what’s up?”. Then Mother wakes me up. like it was a dream, and says the same thing and the same things happen exactly as before. My friend had the same clothes even. But i didn’t realise it had happened before until he asked whats up and i answered the same. My rational explanation to it is that in my tired state, brain waking up and such it glitched and the experience appeared to replay.
Maybe you had a glitch later on about what happened before.
This also applies to the topic, Strange beliefs like the belief that a long time has passed or maybe a series of glitches of maybe a split second when nothing happened so it just seems like a long time. possibly.
Or maybe the strange drowsy consciousness can affect time. Noone would know except the person who experiences it.