Last night I decided to try some simple meditation by focusing on my breathing. After about 5 mins trying this sitting up, I decided to lay down and try. After about 5 mins or so, I suddenly felt as if I was floating about 1-2 feet above my bed. I could still feel the pressure of the bed on my back/legs, but something felt different…. I no longer felt as if I was on my bed… but somewhere above it. Also, this feeling started instantly with no warning… all of a sudden it just started. This lasted for about 30 secs. (I think I eventually fell asleep)
you may have without realising it, had some sort of an OBE. It is not uncommon for this to happen during meditation, you must have really got into the “zone” of meditation and chanelled out of yourself too.
My guess would be hypnagogic hallucination. Makes sense that your sense of touch switched off and your mind filled in the blanks. I don’t know if it shuts off suddenly but you could have suddenly become aware of it. Lost consciousness shortly and got it back in this state. For me when weird feelings occur it’s usually suddenly, especially whole body feelings. And for me they also wear off after a while. I think that’s because I get excited.
Hmm, I’d like to check just how “common” that is, stranger. I’ve always been under the impression that those who achieve OBEs that easily and spontaneously were in a minority. Now, I could be wrong about that, but at least nothing like that has ever happened to me during meditation.
Just like what has been said above, that could have either been a hypnagogic hallucination or maybe even an OBE. If it really was the latter, I would be congratulating myself.
If this ever happens to you again, perhaps you might want to try willing yourself to see, or try moving around in the out of body state. Who knows? You might just be one of the lucky few who can manage to OBE easily.
Hard to tell… I’d say my body (that’s what I noticed the most). I think was was actually woken up in this state. I remember hearing a sound outside right when it happened. While this was happening, I had almost no sense of where I was in the room.
I don’t mean its so common that it will happen to everyone who meditates on a frequent basis. I have meditated plenty of times and have never felt that sensation (only have had it through sleep), however there have been a number of times I have heard of this occur, to a friend, and other meditators. Maybe not a lot, but when i say its common, I probably should have said “its known to happen”,