Strange OBE creature

In one of my OBEs, I encountered a strange creature. I didn’t find this too out of the ordinary, until I had a conversation with somebody on chat about OBEs. I told him about the creature that I saw, and described it to him. He said that it was actually there, and that it might be something known as a “Dark Witch”. Unfortunately I had to leave chat before he could tell me anything else. I did an internet search on “Dark Witch”, but found nothing useful. Has anyone ever heard of a “Dark Witch” or seen one in an OBE? It was a small creature, about 2 feet tall. It was completely black and it had glowing whitish-yellow eyes with no pupil or iris. It had small catlike ears, and it lacked a mouth. It seemed to still be able to speak however. Also, it seemed to have no texture whatsoever, as if a ball of slime had took the form of the creature.

Could it’ve been one of those shadow people thingies? They seem to take all sorts of forms.

I haven’t heard of a “Dark Witch” OBE entity, myself, but I have found myself haunted by a foot-tall doughy sort of female that shapeshifted slightly. She was pale, not dark, though, and eventually had a mouth though it was full of hornlike teeth. Yellow eyes. I presumed that she was the Old Hag of the Old Hag Syndrome fame, something dredged up from the cultural or personal subconscious-- like a tulpa, not really an entity of its own independent origin.

When you talk to your contact again do tell what he says. I’ve been looking up these “Shadow people” and there are quite interesting theories out there. :peek:

i have seen shadow “things”. but usually in the corner of my eye, and especially in the reflections from the glass of photos. i see them behind me. they appear to be about 5 ft tall, slim and slender…and FAST. definitely human form. i never see them in mirrors. and i always see them in the daytime. i am not afraid of them…i get no bad feelings ever. i just let them do their thing…but i wish they would quit being so elusive.

i have an interesting story that i will share later…

Do you know what the shadow person is wearing? I heard the ones with the hat are more daring than ones in cloaks.

Just don’t…SG told me to write this(She also my Conscience).

awesome! :grin: I just remembered there’s this thing called “vulto” here in Brazil, but I’m not sure it’s the same. It’s usually thought of as an optical thing, not a being. I used to see them every now and then, I haven’t in a long time though :eh: Anyway, the ones that I saw where very quick, out of the corner of my eye, but were usually pretty small, like a rat or cat’s size. I’m a bit intreaged now, thinking of this, since my mind is a bit more open to… weird stuff :tongue:

This sounds interesting. I’ve personally never met this sort of creature, since I’ve never had an OBE (I’m still hopeful though :grin: ) but I’ve seen similar things while awake. For instance, when I was around 4, I remember seeing dark figures walking down the hallway at night (I kept my door open and could see the hallway). They seemed to resemble shadows, and they somehow looked darker than dark.

Wow, when I was around 6 I also saw odd things. It wasn’t shadowmen but instead faceless humans :sad: . I used to dread going to sleep because I feared of waking up with them wandering the halls. Since I moved I haven’t seen any. But it is still quite odd. :peek:

I believe it was just a night terror or hypnotic imagery. however i do believe in ghost, phantoms, dark creatures and all that stuff. you MIGHT have saw one, but i think you were having a night terror. BTW congrats on having an OBE; not many have those! :astral: don’t be afraid, if they didn’t hurt you, just ignore them if you see them again. OK maybe you should call the police… i know i would!

Interesting. When I was little I used to see shadows resembling humans dart around my house. Some where white too.

castaneda describe these to be sme life forms dangerous for contacts

I encountered one of these a few years ago (read it here) when attempting to WILD, and it kept coming back until a woman (possibly an “angel”) seemingly banished it (at the end of this dream).

At the time I just figured it was a nightmare. Now my theory is that this creature was either a thought-form (basically a being that my mind created, possibly my fear put into an living form), or that it’s some sort of lower astral creature. Either way it’s nothing to fear. I’ve heard if you say really positive things to them, they go away, so you could try telling it you love it or bless it. Otherwise try moving to a higher plane where there are nicer creatures.

interesting when i was very little i had a nightmare dream once where i was in my bed and i was looking at my shudders and i saw this human like figure tip toeing across the shutters. it looked as if i humans shadow was cast into my room if someone was tip toeing on the other side

I’m not sure if I wrote this here before but
when I prepare myself for astral projection or lucid dreaming just after
the relaxation part I often stare into the darkness of my eyelids and ask myself to show things. I sometimes see forms, scenes, nothing really precise but once I had a very clear vision of a man who was blind and illuminated by a very dim blue light.
The man was blind but I knew he could “feel” me that he knew I was there.
It felt like he was sad and somehow “lost”.
It surprised me so much I had to open my eyes and sit for a moment.
I still don’t know if I simply fell asleep for a moment or if it was real
(I do believe in out of body projections, remote viewing and the like)
I’ve associated him with the shadow people I don’t even know why, but everytime someone talks about the shadow people I remember that man.