Strange Realization Experience

Hello everyone,

I’d like to ask a question about an experience I had the other night upon realizing that I was in a dream. Here’s what happened: I was walking down a hospital corridor when all of a sudden, I realized: “I’m dreaming!” As soon as I said that, everything went dark and I felt a powerful rush of wind, I heard a roaring sound and I felt as if I was flying very fast. The experience was so intense, I woke up almost instantly. The lucid dream was over. :sigh: Even though the sensation was very intense, I liked it. It felt really cool and I want it to happen again. :smile:

Has anyone had this or similar experience upon realization that they’re dreaming? :confused:

~Thanx, Tigereye440~

I had this after a VERY long and very vivid LD. I was so into the dream everything was real, it did not even cross my mind for a momment that it was not real, I was so into the dream it seemed like a hour went by. When I finally did wake up everything went black I could hear the LD I was in but I could not see anything. The next thing I knew I was being thrown back into my body. literally thats what it felt like.

My theory is that its because you become so involved in the dream that your body does this failsafe type of thing to wake you up or else you stay asleep for longer then the body needs. shrugs

i had this awsome effect when i said:i am dreaming!i was in my room and suddenly just as i said that an extremely bright light came through the windows it was so awsome!

This happens ALL THE TIME to me and it sucks. I have tried a lot of different technieques and have so far only come up with little improvement. I do find it helps to not try anything durring an unstable LD and to just go along with the dream for the mostpart, but just trying to stay calm and take progress slow. Getting better…

On last nights lucid: (I had dreamt an entire day, + meta dreams ._o) So I woke up from a meta-dream, and looked at the (diclock 11:14… but it was still dark outside… I looked again 11:16… again… 6:12

“Wtf am I traveling through time o_0?”

“Wait… No way… I am dreaming!”

The clock then said “U ARE DREAMING” which was quite funny actually… =P

You began to wake up, and in the last moments the dream just went random (as dreams do).

Night: Have you tried the stabelising techniques?

What I’ve heard, it’s becauese you wake up. When you wake up, the images stops first, then the sounds. So, it’s not because your lucid, it’s merely because that’s how dreams stop. You just notice it more when you’re lucid, because you’re lucid.

As far as I know. Could be something else of course.

I had this problem when I first became lucid too. (I take it it was your first time…) The excitement of finally realizing it cut my experience short. Basically I experienced (and still do)

  1. A rush of energy through my body
  2. Blacking out of visual perception
  3. Premature awakening

Over time you can learn to keep calm and the dream will be prolonged. My biggest tip: Always do a reality check upon awakening from a lucid dream. I finally started doing this after someone told me and realized a lot of the time when I’ve woken from a LD it’s really a FA, so I just move into another LD. Many times though the FA will fade as fast as the LD upon realizing its a dream, but I just move into another FA. I’ve had three FAs in a row numerous times.