When doing MILD or WILD, I find that when I’m very relaxed but not yet sleeping, I get a sensation of different parts of my body getting… hm… “pushed up.” It feels sort of like (for example) I’m breathing (my stomach is lifting up and down), but it happens out of sync with my real breathing. A similar effect occurs with other parts of my body as well sometimes. sometimes it evolves into a continuous lifting sensation that effects my whole body, sort of like I’m continuously being pushed off the bed without actually seeming to lift off the mattress. The sensation will even sometimes continue when I open my eyes, before I start moving. Anyone else get anything similar?
i was trying to have a wild one night, and lost the concentration, but a little bit later, i felt chills all throughout my body, and i felt it losing in my legs, so i concentrated harder, but nothing was happening and it was lost. i think it just means we were that much closer to having an LD
I mentioned this in the “chain” thread. When I’m having a WILD, I feel a static feeling all over my body. To help get into the dream, I strain my eyes, which makes the static intensify over my body. Then I sort of roll out of bed. Part of me feels like I’m still in bed, the other part feels like I’m standing next to my bed. Then I stand there, or rub my hands together, and try to stabilize the dream. It’s a pretty cool feeling of accomplishment when you’re successful at it.
But this is before the vibration/electricity stage that normally comes in a WILD.
That’s interesting. It’s out of sync with your breathing, but maybe it’s in sync with your pulse and heart beating? I think maybe it has to do with your circulation somehow.