Strange thing happened to me

Hi, I’m usually trying to get LDs, never got one. I read a lot about htis and am very confident, however nothing seems to work. I read that one user recommended drinking chamomile tea and meditating, I tried that but got no results. Since then I drink chamomile tea everynight. Yesterday I went to sleep without any intention of having one. But I woke up at 2 AM and heard some noises, but when I focused to hear the noises well, they disappeared. I read that waking up a little bit before usual was good for Wilds so I wanted to try. But kept on hearing these strange noises. I was afraid and shocked, and that only got me a normal dream.

The noises appeared more when I had my eyes closed.

Can you explained what happened there? It was not a dream, I did RC…

Sorry for my English.

usually when I have hallucinations it is accompanied by sleep paralysis, interesting. that probably meant you were really close to an LD… if that happens again try to relax and focus on your body is my best advice, because if you can achieve SP then that’s an LD right there.

OH! thanks, gonna try it now on the weekend

Or don’t focus on your body :razz: heheh, I guess it depends on the approach. If you forget about your body and focus on the sounds and on remaining aware, that should work too. But yes, you were getting there, keep trying!!

It’s normal. It sometimes happens to me too. But only if you are frightened. Noises could also have been around your house/flat, depends on which kind of noises. If you are frightened then you will automatically hear each little noise - that’s how the human brain is constructed.

What I do to get rid of this is to change position and start daydreaming. Simple. Daydream about something you like/enjoy, like a comedy movie you watched - try “re-producing” some scenes from there.

This (the part with the noises) hasn’t happened to me in a long time… I think you’ll get over it too… soon enough…

Good luck ! :content:

Thanks a lot!