Strange thing happened while I was trying to OBE

I had had an LD, so I decided to wake up.

A few seconds later I opened my eyes and I felt that I am awake, propably still paralized. I started to focus on having an OBE

I felt a strange sound, it wasn’t confusing but strange. My body was rising up.

Then I saw a woman. Propably an angel. I don’t know. She asked my a few things then said:

“You should make a list of things that you have to do in next 6 hours”

Then she brought my friend and asked him

“Do you want him to be OK?”

He anwered “Yes”.

I don’t remember more.

I don’t know what to think about it.

It sounds to me like you either had a false awakening and continued your dream, or you had a WILD of sorts after you woke up.

+1 on the false awakening

ConstantDreamer :grin:

Heh, ok then. I was thinking that it was a some kind of warning. But now I see, I shouldn’t have worried.

I’ll keep trying.

It’s rather strange. Do this event have a special meaning for you Gonzo?

What your saying that was not a FA just a OBE maybe in the Real Time Zone. RTZ are made of your mind and the astral world so maybe you think of that or maybe that was really a real astral angel entity but that would be doubtful.

It sounds to me like you woke up into SP then fell back asleep or perhaps had an unintentional WILD but lost lucidity somewhere.

To me it sounds like a FA, but cool dream nevertheless.

I think the same as milod789.

After this dream I was afraid that It could be somee kind of a warning, Basilus West. I’m still not sure

Well I don’t think it was a “warning” but it is possible that there may be things you can learn from your dream. To me, dream interpretation is a very personal thing and you will have to study the dream for yourself to see if you believe that it holds some special meaning for you. However, I do not think it is anything you need to be afraid of or anything like that.

did you make out the list?

yea sounds a bit like a fa, but it might have some meaning behind it