
Hey all,
I read about LD for the first time about 3 months ago and today (yeah today, I fell asleep while doing my homework :content: ) I became kinda lucid for the first time. Only I’m not sure if I liked it that much.

I was having at least 2 different dreams and the theme lucidity was in both, but the first one was just a dream about it and I didn’t became lucid there. The second dream however I kinda did. I was in my classroom and I tried to talk to a friend there, I thought hey I’m lucid so let’s try to speak with my mind instead of using words, that didn’t work, and I started thinking, hey, wtf ? I’m dreaming, so I did an RC and looked at the closed door, I thought: how did I get here ? and I couldn’t come up with a rational reason, then I became lucid.
However the second after I became lucid it felt like I was thrown into freezing cold water and I had a false awakening, I could only open my eyes for about half and everything around me was blurred, I was in my room though, my legs were shaking and when I tried to stand up (I didn’t really stand up, I just dreamt that I did, and at that time as was convinced that it was real) I fell down again. I could move my arms so I tried to stop my legs from shaking. then I remembered that false awakenings could occur and I thought that this must be one so I closed my eyes to get back to sleep and I was thinking, thank god I didn’t get the old hag thing. once I closed my eyes again, my body relaxed and I could wake up at last.

this experience left me with 2 questions.
1: Does this happen a lot, and is the second time that it happens not so scary ?
and 2: when I become lucid, how can I try to not “wake up” the second after I realize it ?

thanks in advance :smile:

I think it happens a lot.
Second question. Well don’t get excited. Thats the major thing.

The King is right. A common mistake is to let yourself get carried away by the excitement, which causes you to lose your grip on the world. Lucid dreaming at first requires a lot of concentration to maintain the dream world. Eventually it’ll become second nature, but until then it’s important to stay in control and ‘sense’ when you’re losing lucidity. There are countless methods for bring an LD back to life when you feel it fading away (everything from spinning around to rubbing your hands together), but I find a simple and effective technique is to just stop what I’m doing, and pay close attention to my current location. I find just staring at the wall or another object for a few seconds will usually stabilize the dream. This is mainly because sensory input provides a familiar constant to focus on while your mind regains control of the situation.

Anyway, welcome to the forum. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions. :smile: