Stress and dreams

Hi guys, i am fairly new to conscious dreaming I have been doing this for about a month and I haven’t had my first lucid dream yet. That isn’t what is bugging me though, the problem is that i have these huge tests coming up and my dream recall just went out the window. I cant remember anything from my dreams. Could the stress be contributing? Any advice?

Yes, a very bad combination, stress and dreams are not going well one with another. But I wouldn’t worry too much. When you pass test your DR will come back to normal. Just try to keep the same interest in dreams and lucidity and you will be ok…

So it should just return to normal after a while? Is their anything else i have to do?

Sometimes I put dreaming on hold for a little while. I stop taking a DJ, I try to focus on other things for a few weeks, or until your test. That helps me return back to normal :content: Once the stress is removed from your life, then you might want to try LDing again.
Sometimes putting pressure on your “waking life” as well as your “sleeping life” can create too much tension. You’ll always be able to dream, but you won’t always be able to take that test.

I see, thank you for the advice.

For me stress is THE dream killer. Nothing ruins my dream recall or lucid skills like stress. Perhaps if you’re really good at meditation and are able to completely forget about what’s stressing you when you go to bed… that should help. Anyway, welcome to ld4all :wave:

All I’ve been able to get for the last week is a sort of foggy memory. but i will try to meditate before bed and cite some mantras or something.Thanks for your help!

Stress doesn’t really affect my dreaming…just WHAT I dream. I generally dream stressful dreams like not getting things or having things taken from me. I’ve found if they keep up for more then 3-4 days, I just tell myself to “knock it off!” “I get the message!”. Generally stressful dreams will quit.

During my exams, I started getting a lot of long, long FAs about missing the exam/doing bad on the exam.

I personally think one of the “big secrets” of dream recall is patience. It can sometimes take a full few minutes for you to remember anything. Sometimes I wake up and if I don’t recall anything immediately I say to myself, “Oh well,” and get up and go about my day. Or I stress out about it.

But, listen, really I have had fragments and sometimes two or more scenes from a dream come back to me after lying still for a full three to five minutes.

The strategy I use to ask myself questions like, “What was I just doing?” “Where was I?” “Who was I with?” “What was I feeling?” etc.

Don’t worry. I do too, my final exams are in a few days and in the past month my DR droooooped since when I wake up I dont have the motivation to write in my DJ. I’m waiting until summer or a good period of time so I can pick up where I left off. I used to get like a few every week but now I haven’t gotten one in almost a month.

I couldn’t agree more with your post . I mean if one realizes what time and patience can provide then his potential is unlimited. You dream every night, there is no reason to be impatient. Just wanting to achieve more and giving yourself credit and time you can do whatever you want.

I took your advice and tried to relax and forget about what was worrying me and it worked! I Remembered last nights dream. Thanks a lot for all your wonderful suggestions! :grin: