Strong emotions in dreams

Now this night I had a larger outbreak of grief in a dream which popped out of nowhere and caught me off guard so my Question is simple: has anybody else experienced this in dreams and has it affected your WL too? I have had dreams before which have mirrored the RL but not to this extent and not great sorrow

Yes, this has happened.

For me, grief in dreams is GRIEF. It is intense beyond anything I am capable of feeling in real life. I have woken up crying from these dreams many times. The sad dreams are, in my opinion, far worse than scary dreams when it comes to nightmares. I get dreams with RAGE too. Maybe dreams like this have a purpose, we get to experience these intense emotions in a safe setting?

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Thank you siiw for your reply, I have experienced extreme anger in dreams as well and they have reflected the reality many times recently as I have progressed in my inner journey (and all the external ones)

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