Stuck in transition ?!

I think i am “stuck” on the way.
As i lay still with my body gone numb, i start to get all sorts of feelings, which end with a bright white light coming from above (meaning from the top of my head while lying in bed, not from the ceiling) and it quickly engulfs my whole field of vision. After that i start to get IMMENSELY REAL imagery, but cant interact with it no matter how hard i try. Its like i look out of the window, but cant open it. It all ends with …i dunno how its called in english, a momentarily wave of heat coming all over my body. Like the one you get if you run for a long time and then finally stop.

Anyone had the same experiences ?

Last night this routine went 3 times until i decided i want to sleep already.

Also, it appears i just cant reach SP. I layed there for an hour or so, and could move at any given moment.

I also have this. No matter what i do, i cant seem to get in through to the transition phase. Right when i start to feel te vibrations of SP is vanishes again after a couple minutes.

I do remember reading somewhere this had something to do with having inner dialog, like talking to yourself, or talking in your imagination.
I tried to focus on the HI, but my mind just keeps drfting away to forms of inner-dialog. Its very frustrating that it blocks you from succes.

Edit: read this site:

And the WILD part, I think they explane there what the problem is. Its actually normal to feel wide awake just before entering the dream.

Yep. The same thing happens with me when I try WILD when I go to bed at night. Never succeeded that way. My body gets all sore, or I get too frustrated. Or start thinking that I missed the chance of entering my dream somehow.

However. I’m lazy, and never bother to go through this whole relaxation thing. So, I invented a technique that works better for me. I go to bed. And think my random thoughts. I get in a comfy position and just think. Not thinking about WILD or doing WILD or whatever. Then I start to feel tired. I notice I’ve been in the same position for a pretty long period. I then just passively watch the blackness of my closed eyelids.

There was someone here on this board who got a good answer for her WILD question(in a dream), it was “Don’t concentrate too much!”. That’s what I do. I just watch. I keep seeing random images and scenery, people, stuff, whatever for 1 or two seconds. I just watch. I don’t try to focus on it, nor make the “picture” stay longer, change something etc. After a little while I feel my body quite heavy and relaxed. And then I usually fall asleep…I’m still working on it. :bored:

Maybe you could try to WILD this way aswell. Getting in bed, doing the relaxation stuff and setting your mind on doing WILD, and then concentrating and waiting and waiting can be frustrating.

Plus not all people get SP, HI, HH, whatever when doing WILD. I don’t get SP. Or at least am not aware of it.

Soo…i guess nobody had experiences like mine, then, huh ?

Did you try to practice WILD with WBTB? I’ve the feeling that you are practising WILD when going to bed. Am I wrong?

Some people honestly don’t have SP, like me. I can move after being in that bed for a few hours. (I don’t know how I have the patience) It’s just something some people can’t experience, though we do have SP, we just can’t be aware while it happens I guess. try not to think about the SP, and focus on other ideas of WILDing, like the imagery.

And for the extreme warmth, it could be that your body isn’t ready to sleep yet…heh. Our body temperatures change throughout the day, and into the night. Our temperatures rise when we are awake, and cool down when we need to go to sleep. So maybe you shouldn’t be going to sleep at that time…but of course, I could be very wrong…