I have this slight “problem”. I don’t recall a single dream that would have taken place in the great outdoors. I really would like to run in the woods and fly with some dragons (You know it’s really hard to fly inside a bulding) ( ) I’m always stuck in some crappy mining tunnel or inside some building. Also if I travel around some building complex all the doors lead into a new room and almost never outside. (I have been outside but the weather is always so bad I have to get back inside) Any suggestions how I could open some doors to face the naked sky?
That’s strange. That really is a problem. Some of my best dreams have been spent looking at the beautiful dream sky. I often have dreams of being on top of very high mountains, or around large bodies of water, or just a walk through some deep woods. All of these things are among my favorite activities of things to do in dreams. Stick those ideas in your sub-conscious.
Now this is true for me also. If I am dreaming of being inside, I usually explore endlessly from room to room. That’s very fun too. but being not able to remember dreams from outside is a real probelm
Do you venture outside much? maybe you can try taking a short stroll outside before you go to bed, that might help get your mind there. Good-luck!
Not only take a walk but then, before bed, maybe try visualizing yourself in the last dream you remember. Then in the dream picture yourself going outside and walking around in the woods or a nice garden… whatever… just some enjoyable outside locale. Maybe that would help.
Try closing your eyes and imagine being outside and then open them.Or think of what you’re going to see before you open the doors.
Perhaps being stuck inside means something else in the real world.Are you stuck somewhere when you’re awake.
Of course, one sure-fire way to dream of being outdoors, is as follows:
Take a long drive into the center of a forest somewhere. Set up camp for the night, and take a sleep under the stars. Just the wind on your face should carry over into your dreams.
I don’t expect you to do this with any regularity, but the idea is there
That actually gives me an idea. I’m going camping tonight with a bunch of people for the weekend. Maybe I’ll put it to the test.
Go outside and play some soccer. All the running around and taking shots on net will make you think to look far ahead. And if you don’t play soccer even better, try it and maybe you’ll dream about it.
It’s really strange that you never have dreams outside rooms. Are the rooms in your dreams very small, or are they wide and roomy, with high ceilings?
I never dream small rooms, i am a little clostrophobic, and maybe that’s what’s troubling you. I don’t notice that i am clostrophobic in RL but sometimes i encounter that problem. Maybe you have the opposite of that, (aerophobia?)don’t remember the name of it, but it’s when you are afraid of open spaces.
Or maybe you are in prison, and forgot what the outdoors look like??
You really have some great ideas…thanks! Last night I saw my first REAL LD. (I had full control) This happened outside! I strolled down a street in Helsinki and I happened to see a reflection of “myself” in a window of some shop. I looked like a vampire and I had all black clothes. The reflection moved and seemed to dislike the fact that I was looking at it and kept avoiding eye-contact. It had my face with a sick twist to it and it had a torn outline which moved kinda like fire only it was black. Then I realized that I was dreaming. I have to say it really shocked me. I started panicking at first but somehow I luckily remembered to calm myself down. I didn’t have to spin or anything I just waited a second and gathered myself. After a while I saw everything really clear.
Now that I was awake in my dream I could do anything. I wanted to start with something easy so i wouldn’t wake up. I jumped up and started to fly very low. I thought that it would be best for me if I didn’t stay outside because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it as you can propably understand from my yesterdays post. So I flew to a nearby shopping mall and walked around talking to people. I have to say that it was amazing. Everyone in the mall seemed to know that I was in MY dream and they had a certain respect for me. (they were dreamt by me…I was superior ) It was strange because I didn’t know anyone in the mall. Usually people in my dreams are not complete strangers. Well that’s about it.
I have Acrophobia…I think. So I’m afraid of high places. There shouldn’t be a problem with dreaming an outside place but it just happens so rarely. It’s kinda weird.
I have to try those hints you gave me. Now that I have been outside I really don’t want to go in anymore. It’s great!
Sounds like you have made some real progress.
I loved the description you gave of your reflection in the window.
Congratz on the LD! Now if only I could get one going tonight! Sounds like just merely talking about the indoor dreaming allowed your brain to come up with an outdoor locale. Again… with dreams its expect and ye shall recieve.