My girlfriend has been practising lucid dreaming and in every dream she is aware she is dreaming (kind of), but it still feels like a dream and she can’t control anything. She is basically dreaming about knowing that she is dreaming (if that makes sense). I wouldn’t count this as being lucid because it is still a normal dream.
How can she pull herself together in a dream and take control of her lucidity?
I have had this problem before where I looked at my hands and they were wacky but didnt relize I was dreaming. I just think that it takes time and practice for you mind to pick up on the fact that you want to wake upinside your dreams
Tell her to perform a reality check whenever she gets the feeling she might be dreaming.Make her say it out loud "when i feel this or that its a dream and ill fly"for example.I think it should be easy for her to gain lucidity just doing rcs.
How can she pull herself together in a dream and take control of her lucidity?
As you perhaps notice, this is kinda paradox.She can´t take control of her dream since she isn´t in control.That´s the old problem any lucid dreamer has.
So, the first advice I´d give is just doing the usual techniques that are discussed around here.
However, perhaps there are some things that could help her to make use of her pre-lucid (false lucid?) dreams:
She should pick a certain taskt, and strongly intent to do it as soon as she is dreaming.Can be anything, but perhaps it is better to chose simple one at first.For example something like
“The next time I am dreaming, I will form a cross with my forefingers”
(any other unsual, yet simple to perform gesture would of course do as well)
She should also remember that when doing so, to ask herself some questions like the following ones:
“Where am I sleeping right now?”
“Where do I live/What´s my name”
“Which date is it”
“What did I do the last day/ What am I planning to do the next day?”
Question that bring her to think about her waking life are helpful here.
Ok, that´s all I can think of right now.To be honest, I just “invented” the method while I read your post, and have never tried it.Has some similiarities to MILD I think.Anyway, I think it could work for her
good luck
Mrvanhalen (good music choice lol)
For knowing you are dreaming you need your left hemisphere and for controling you need the right hemisphere.
Meaning! Knowing you are dreaming is rational but controling a dream is a process of pure association
So tell her in her next dream to sing and dance (rhythm) to get an association…feeling link with the dream…and that controling or wanting something is an association thing
So wanting in a dream something is by the power of suggestion!
Use suggestion power…association!
Ok good hunting
thank you for the tips guys, she’s tryin em out, ill let you know if she gets anywhere