Well, first off, I want to say Hi to everyone again. I was here, but left for quite awhile because I haven’t had the time to keep a dream journal, however I’m going to start trying again.
Anyway, my main problem is this: I am SO stupid in my dreams. Now, I know everyone has this “Dream Logic”, but mine seems to be particularly bad. Example: I’ll be walking in a Hisotrical Settlement near my city, walking up a dirt path, when all of a sudden I’ll be in a big city with skyscrapers which is 1000 km away, and then someone gives me this completely stupid and nonsensical explanation, but I readily accept it. I have a friend who is also trying to LD (well, he has twice for a short period of time), and he seems to notice things quite well.
Can anyone try and help me become a little “smarter” in my dreams?
That’s all part of a regular dream. It’s normal to be oblivious to impossible things when your dreaming. Like if you’re dreaming that your cat is actually talking and having a conversation with you, you just accept it, and keep going, as if it’s part of life.
When your not used to looking for dream signs, most of the time, you miss them completely.
IMO recognizing your DS and then realizing your dreaming is something you have to condition yourself to do. Which is why it takes time, and practice, and patience.
If you practice RC’s regularly, and become accustom to doing it in RL, then you will start remembering to do them in your dreams, which will help you realize you are dreaming.
Try that for a while, and see if it helps.
Just because you don’t realize the obvious things in your dreams, doesn’t mean that you’re stupid in your dreams.
Do you like math or physics? A couple of times i have had to do several hours of these subjects before bed and i had LDs. I think these subjects get your logic working. I’m not suggesting you work for hours, maybe half an hour or so would help. It might not make you lucid, but it should improve your dream logic. But, don’t be surprised if your dreams become dull.
This year i was doing 2 math subjeccts, 2 chemistry subjects, physics and english. Apart from english it got my logic working. I also notice that my dreams aren’t too wierd. I am usually in an unknown place but just normal stuff happens, or maybe one thing is out of the ordinary.
Something a little more fun would be to play logic games like minesweeper or maybe there’s something even more fun, but still logical. I think someone should make a logic lucid dream game. That would be good!