I have done it again. Tonight I had my second lucid dream in perhaps 2 months. Like my previous one, it was short.
I am in my neighborhood at night with a good friend. He sets a fire to one of my neighbour’s garden bushes. I tell him that it’s dangerous, and as the fire really starts to become big, I run hell outta the place into the darkness.
Bam. New scene. In my bed. “Stupid dream” I thought. I went out of bed, took place in front of the computer and powered it on.
While waiting for it to boot, I saw my cellphone lying in front of the monitor with my RC NOW logo. So I did an RC - took up the cellphone, looked at the time: 07.37, looked again. It didn’t change. Still at 07:37.
So I put the phone down at the table and took it up again. 23:59! “COOL!” I thought. I am dreaming. Now I’ll just stay calm, rise up, turn around, and explore the dreamworld. So I did that. Rise up, turn around, walk towards the door that leads to the kitchen. Upon walking towards it, everything just started to swirl around and I found myself to be in very strange surroundings.
BAM, back in my bed. “DAMN, I woke up” I thought. “But isn’t that pillow in front of me in too light of a color and very malformed?”
Brought my hands in front of me and didn’t see them. “COOL, HAHA, I AM STILL DREAMING!”. Tried to get out of bed and GRR… I COULDN’T! Tried several times. I could move my arms, legs etc but the center of my body was just like nailed to the bed. Tried and tried several times but I had no choice other than to close my eyes and shake my head to finally initialize a real awakening. Phew, cool to be back in motion again.
Just exactly the thing that happened in my previous brief LD. I guess it isn’t what they call the “old hag syndrome” either because no demons approach me with the intention to chop me into pieces. It isn’t scary when it happens because I can break the spell fairly easily… but still very annoying, because I -am- in an LD that I can make no use of!
Have you ever experienced anything REMOTELY like this?