i dont know if this happens to any of you, but when im concentrating on MILD and i feel my self falling asleep my throat gets dry and i have to swallow and then that wakes me up a little. So its like i have to voluntarily swallow every 2 mins or so and it wakes me up. This is stupid i know but what can i do.
I don’t know what to say, from your situation I would try to not worry about your throat being dry and focus on MILD as much as possible
try breathing through your nose
Yes, breathe through your nose. However, if you really need to swallow, do it very slowly so that you don’t fully wake up. Don’t pay too much attention to the swallowing itself but let it flow gently as if you didn’t notice it at all. This probably won’t disturb you from falling asleep.
when i try anything where you need to consentrate, be it meditation, AP etc. I focus first on my breathing and just listen and feel my lungs fill with air.
after a short time little things like swallowing become unnoticable leaving you to concentrate on whatever you want to achieve, though i would suggest not drinking or eating anything likely to dry out your throat before trying.
Fizzy drinks are obviously the worst since it is basically carbonated water which drys your throat and causes you to need to drink more. I would suggest water only even coffee and tea will dry the throat somewhat. Milk is also useful as it’s thicker than water but doesn’t dry the throat
Yes I’ve had similar problems with breathing but more when I’m particularly anxious about things. It’s frustrating and when I tell myself not to think about it my mind does the opposite. The only thing that helps is thinking of other things until you eventually forget the inital thought.
wait wait i think you’re confused. MILD means just telling yourself you’re gonna have a lucid dream and WILD is when you fall asleep consciously.
With MILD, you concentrate for just a while, then stop and go to sleep normally. Even if you have to swallow, it wouldn’t matter. In WILD, yes, you’d do all that stuff mentioned above. Also try WBTB with WILD, because using WILD straight won’t work for most people.
ohhh, thanks for clearing that up i didnt know
Using WILD straight doesn’t normally work because of Delta sleep.