subconscious interrogation?

moved from stuff dreams are made of forum since it isn’t to do with dreaming :moogle:

2 days ago I was wondering if it was possible to ask direct question to my SC.

So I thought about it and went to the conclusion that probably it was possible using an involuntary stimulus for coding answers…

It was late night so I was yawning a lot and that was a probable response to the problem so I said to myself… Ok mr Subconscious 1 yawn is for Yes and 2 is for No… understood? and I yawned once…

then I asked some random questions like “do you like the show you are working on?” or “do you like the actress who plays King Creon’s daughter?” to understand if answers were coming and surprisingly enough they seemed to come both positive and negative but for the fact that sometimes the negatives were not too clear

so I asked if SC knew of any better way to answer and I obtained a positive… I asked to show me a positive and had a little yawn, then asked to show me a negative and had a huge one…

I went on interrogating a bit then, as my dream recalling lately sucks a bit, I asked him
“Will you let me recall any dream I have tonight?” SC said yes, but since then I couldn’t recall a single bit of any dream… ok, now there are 2 chances

1- my subconscious is extremely unfair
2- I was jus stupid and interrogating the holy empty nothing at all… that, given the situation, is unlikely…

any clues?

Knowing how easily one can yawn late at night, I wouldn’t be surprised if this method was a little shaky.

In addition, that didn’t allow your subconscious to refuse to answer. He/she had to respond - and maybe that response wasn’t a truthful one. More than likely, he/she wanted to say “Yes, you will remember dreams tonight” instead of “Yes, you will remember all dreams tonight,” but couldn’t because a “maybe” answer - a halfway point between yes and no - wasn’t established.

Even so, you may have a subconscious like mine who likes to mess with you… XD Promising things with no intent to deliver, withholding things at random… I’m learning that Ezekiel, much like myself, can’t always be trusted.

Yes but… i forgot to tell the half way (no yawning at all) was not estabilished, by me, but by the answering system itself (i mean that at some point I had no answer so I asked if that was a no answer and the answer was yes…) got to find another system

I had a conversation with my SC mind once, but I don’t know if the answers were real answers or the answers I wanted to hear. I think it can be solved in a lucid dream (by a spiritual guide).

probably you are right, the problem is that i can’t willingly LD… so this was a try directly asking it to my SC (whose name seems to be Mr Charlie)

you guys should read this:

its chapter 10 of robert petersons book, that i dont know whats named and this chapter is about how he comunicates with his subconcious

Well there is the pendulum technique you can use to get answers from your SC… where you dangle a pendulum over a blank piece of paper with a crosshair and circle drawn on it… then tell yourself yes is vertical line, no is horizontal, and don’t know is circular. then just ask yourself questions and watch which way the pendulum swings.

for your subconsious you need to believe it will do what you asked it to, ie remember dreams. the placebo effect has a huge effect on your subconscious.

your subconscious is not necessarily the collective unconscious, God, or a source of absolute true information (if there is one, I think there is)

it can be just your subconscious, which is a composition of who you are and what you think, and if deep down inside you have extreme ambivalence about dream recall, then the subconscious can’t necessarily givie you straight answers until you program yourself (or until you believe fully) that you can indeed have great dream recall, and then it will.

when you are almost falling asleep you can just directly talk to your mind by thinking in your head to it and then it will talk while you are dozing off.