I think subliminal messaging can be quite powerful if used correctly. Take for intance the way Derren Brown used it in “The gathering” … he flashed “forget” near the end of his show to his audience and most of them forgot what happened in the show… which was pretty cool… but yeah you get the idea…
Subliminal messaging does work. Maybe not for everyone. But I can remember when they started eliminating drive-in theaters, there was a big controversy as to how the snack bars were making a killing on money for the msgs that were done
I think subliminal messaging would work on a low level with some people. I doubt that you could just flash the word forget in front of an audience and they would forget the hole show. That sounds a bit far fetched to me.
I think if you’re really caught up in the show it’s kind of like Simon Says in reverse, You hear or see something and you don’t form real thoughts about it, so you don’t notice that its there
I think he flashed the word, after he put most of the audience in a suggestive state, hence making the subliminal messaging more effective. But he is reknowned for he psycological mind play. But the show was teh cool
subliminal messaging is illegal. Ans as Freedom88 says, it’s very much suggestive. You don’t notice the word with your naked eye quick enough to consciously say “I saw the word “eat” on the screen”. It would be more like your brain read it through your eyes quicker than you saw it.
Something similar to what the explanation of de ja vu is.