Success!!!! Wow that was awesome

Hey guys im not going to put my dream in here yet as im about to back to bed but just wanted to share my success this morning with my first long lucid dream. This is my 5th lucid dream and this one lasted at least 2 hours in dream time. It was so amazing! and I figured its always good to put success stories on here rather than all the failing stories because we all need that positive influence. Go LD PEOPLE!

Congratulations, many more will come after this, because you have broken the barrier :smile:

congratulations! i hope to rejoin the lucid world soon :smile:

thanks! I hope you do too, its a great world.

and to R3tro, yes i do feel as if i broke a barrier not because of the dream but because of the length and how the LD started. I dont even remember how it started to be honest i was just lucid, and for the first time i wasn’t trying desparately to keep myself lucid, it was so natural i just explorerd and did what i wanted.

Just a stupid question… How can you tell “it was 2 hours in dream time” ? Did it feel like 2 hours ? I hope you can give me some details because i’ve noticed that a lot of people on the forum seem to get a feeling of how long their LD was (in dream time), but I’ve never had such an experience in a dream, lucid or not…


Congrats! :smile:

Very true, although sharing failures are nessessary too. I have noticed that when people say this and that is very hard, or impossible in LD-s, it usually decreases faith that EVERYTHING is possible in dreams! :content:

Thats awesome mmestre, i love that feeling!