My dream recall used to be absolutely fine. I’d wake up with a clear picture of my dream and its story embedded into my head, so I could immediately write it down.
For some reason, though, I recently haven’t remembered most of my dreams. I wake up in the same way, and write immediately, but often, there’s nothing to write…or I have an EXTREMELY vague idea of what happened that takes up about a sentence.
It’s frustrating, and my lucid dream count is rapidly dropping. Can someone please give me some advice, pointers, tips, or information as to why this is happening? Thanks very much.
you say nothing is different with your post-dream routine, but what about your everyday life?
Are you having problems elsewhere in your life? Stress? anything that maybe effecting you emotionally or mentally.
I’ve noticed that if i am stressed my dream count can go up, but my recall drops. Changes in your normal waking life can and usually will effect your dreams & recall.
i’m not sure how long you have been LDing, but if it’s been more than a year - has it happened before when the climate was the same, if the temperature in your room has increased somewhat this will of course effect your dreaming.
Insane_goth is right I believe, because I’ve noticed that when I’m stressed out I wake up totally empty-minded when it comes to remembering dreams.
You should try calming yourself down before going to sleep. Meditation helps a lot, and it’s a quite simple and short process. When you’re in bed, find a position in which you can comfortably remain. Start relaxing your muscles (legs, fists, face, stomach). Before falling asleep, try this methood of relaxing your soul… it really helps me out at stressful times (quoted from a guide to lucid dreaming by Erin J. Wamsley) :
Observe your thought process. Simply let your thoughts arise and do not become involved in the content of your thoughts.
Notice that you can know you have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. They are simply a part of the whole. They represent your feelings, memories, anticipations, or speculations, and they call for your attention. As each thought passes, either you attend to it or you do not. While you cannot stop the thoughts themselves, you can prevent yourself from being snared by each one.
As each thought arises, picture it on a white cloud in the sky and watch the cloud pass overhead and out of sight as another thought comes into view on its cloud. Do not try to hold on to the clouds or retain the thought in your mind. Be aware that the thoughts are just objects of our observation, to be noticed and let go. Keep noticing the thoughts and then let them go again and again.
And, of course, once you are really comfortable and at home in pure awareness, then you can let go of the thought of watching your thoughts as well.
Hope this helps
Thank you guys very much; this will really help, I’m certain of it! I really appreciate you replying, and I’ll try your calming and meditation techniques. I am sincerely grateful.
For me it also seems to help when i dont have good dream recall to take some b6 vitamine. I only take it when my recall is very bad.
How does B6 vitamin help? I remember hearing about it repelling mosquitoes…
Yes didnt you know? When the mosquitos are gone the air is much cleaner and you will have better dreamrecall…
ok not realy…
B6 just works to remember things better, the stuff just makes your brains work more efficient or so. Im not entirely sure what the exact process is though, if you want to know i suggest you to google it up.