Well, I was at the point of being able to recall about five dreams a week, but for the past five nights, I’ve pretty much run into a brick wall, and have been unable to recall anything. Any ideas?
Whatever you stopped doing, start doing it again.
I stopped taking writing down my dreams ages ago, but it wasn’t until about a week ago that my DR started to weaken. It took me a while to realise what I had done wrong, and now I’m back to writing my dreams down every night .
Sounds like some self-hypnosis will help you out.
“I will remember all of my dreams”
“I will remember all of my dreams”…
i know exactly what you mean
i think it can all come down to, times you goto bed, stress, if thats the first thing you think of in the morning, tiredness.
but i have recently been having problems but im slowly getting back on track. i got to a point where i could remember five dreams per night and then it stopped.
same with me! i used to dream at least twice each night when i first started writing in my dream journal. i stopped for a while and i couldnt recall a single dream so i went back to writing in my dream journal but that didnt help me at all. i cant seem to recall dreams anymore, or if i do, they’re veeeery very faint.
Generally here, that’s called MILD.
Don’t try too hard. After waking up, just let it come to you. Or do something else - the dream can sometimes come to you when you’re not thinking about it.
Me too, fr the past three weeks, my dream recall has hovered at crap level…which is ironic becuase I’ve been using dream signs like crazy in real life.
my dream recall is better at weekends as i think i get more sleep, but i generaly find that i remember my dreams in the day when i see somthing and i get like a flashback of a dream. heheh i had one today i had a dream i was racing round a supermarket in a wheelchair lol.
that happened to me when I stopped writing in my DJ, as well.
a little off topic but the supermarket racing reminded me… one of my friends works at a supermarkey and he said one day he and his fellow employee were racing the motorized wheelchairs around the store Wish I could have seen that!
Well, whatever it was, it is gone now. I’ve been recording dreams at my usual rate once more, though the level of detail I’ve been able to recall as well as the length has lessened dramatically. Just one of those weird things, I suppose.
Now if I was able to WILD when I first go to sleep then I would REALLY be in business!
Since I started to LD I have intended to remember more dreams and so far it has worked. Every month I have remembered more dreams than the month before. This month I have remembered atleast 1 dream from every night but the lengt of my dreams have decreased to about half. But I think my dreams have become more vivid. And my LD’s have been shorter too. Try using WBTB helps both with dream recall and increases your chance to have a LD.
actualize dreaming in Your consciousness again.
happened to me as well, but reading about other peoples dreams and/or reading books on LD seemed to help for me.
Good luck