Suggested books for an essay *serious post*

Hi there everyone :wiske:

I’d like to make this short so that there is a higher chance at least some people will read this.

I’m a grade 12 student and ive been assigned an assignment for my English course. I need to:

-compare and/or any book ([u]that has won a Giller Prize or a Governor General Award and was written by a Canadian author[/u]) to The Great Gatsby oR King Lear

…then make an essay -_-

DOEs aNY one have ANY suggested books?!? Anything would be greaTly appreciated! If u feel that u have a book and r not sure it has won one of the above awards ill check that.

My email is if any1 wants to email me.

THank u in advance to any1 that can be of any help!


I don’t know. Has 1984 won one of those rewards? Fahrenheit 451? To Kill A Mockingbird? Tom Sawyer(sp)?

Thkx a bunch 4 replying and suggesting. I dont know either if they have but i surely will check!

thkx again :content: