
summoning people in dreams :eek:

So i have been having lucid dreams much more frequently lately, like once a week or so for the past few weeks but i am struggling to do the things i want to do with them.

like one thing i really want is to talk with characters lol… but no matter how much i try i cant call up or summon people though i think i should be able to that fairly quickly since it is a dream after all.

I try to focus really hard on someone just like appearing in mid air or being behind a door or wall something like that but i cant get it to work and im wondering if anyone has a solution to this kind of problem?

I might just still be struggling to take advantage of the dream state. for instance talking to dream characters can be very difficult for me. it took me a while last night to get the hang of it, i would jump up and down from a distance getting no answer but after a while i figured out i could kind of awkwardly flap my arms that did the trick for them noticing me though im sure i looked really lame if you could have seen it… lol.

but even though i could do it, it took a lot of effort and energy and i think theres no reason, since its a dream, that i cant just talk effortlessly when i want to, you know? but doing weird things like this is really really difficult for me judging from how they look
e.t.c xD

Moved from Quest for Lucidity :tardis:

I always just walked through a wall with the intention that when I got to the other side, I would be where I want to be with the people I want to be with. Just my way of teleporting. What were the characters doing when you tried to talk to them? Were they just standing there?

Have you tried the behind the back summon technique? Hold one of your hands behind your back, call for your desired character to take your hand, like they’re standing right behind you, then bring your hand around to in front of you, “leading them” to stand in front of you, fully expecting to see them. Use a commanding tone/thought. I’ve done this once and it worked for me the first time. The first time I tried the “around the corner” summon it didn’t work. However, the behind-the-back success was in my 10th LD, and the around-the-corner fail was in my 2nd LD, so I had a bit more experience and expectation built up by then. Really expect that it works, don’t just “wish” for it to work.

I also had a successful “BE THERE!” command summon in my 7th LD. There was a couch in front of me and I sort of looked to the side so it wasn’t directly in my field of vision, and called out, “xyz (the name of the character I wanted), BE THERE!” and pointed to the couch. I looked at the couch and the DC was sitting there! The commanding tone and mindset of this approach I think helps to avoid the “wishing” aspect.

For the “around the corner” summon to work, you have to believe fully that the DC is already there, like you just saw them there, and are going back again to tell them something you forgot.


So there are different ways of summoning

Oh… but what if your desired persons/imaginary wanted view of them fades in any way is there some how to recall from that?