Sun eye method (Third eye)

This is my second day checking out lucid dreaming.
I’ve started keeping a DD and today I remembered 4 dreams when waking up!
(I can’t remember having dreams for several years, with a few exceptions)

Anyway, last night I tried the Suneye method. I thought something like,
“Oh whatever, I might as well try this”
So I started chanting and suddenly I could feel my heart beating faster
and louder, until it was beating five times faster than normal.
I swear, it was beating about five times a second, and so loud it sounded like, err, something really LOUD.
Then I started feeling this creepy cramp all over my body, so I though “shit, this is dangerous stuff” and I opened my eyes
It took about 5 minutes before my heart started beating normally.
After that, I tried it some more, but didn’t succeed. :bored:

Is this normal? I mean, the whole heart beat thing
Why didn’t it work the second time I tried it?


Hmm interesting. I don’t have an answer to your question I just wanted to comment. I never heard of LDing being of a serious threat to your health, so I think you are safe :razz:. Maybe you were just excited, which would make your heart beat faster. Just a guess though.

I was not actually afraid, it was more like I thought:

“No, I do not want to see where this goes, it is way to strange and creepy.
I’m not keeping this up, I’m going to open my eyes now”

After opening my eyes I tried it again several times, although I could just barely feel a small tremble now and then.
Also, when looking at my third eye, my eyelids start shaking really fast contigiously. Is this normal, or am I doing this wrong?

Did I understand the third eye method right? Am I supposed to start trembling etc.?

thanks. I really hope someone can give me a reply that makes sense :wink:

Extremely wierd. Could it be that these experiences aren’t real? I’ve heard that you have hallucinations of all kinds during WILD. Oh yeah, do WILD after WBTB or it’s kind of useless for most people.

I think it’s just a combination of you being scared and excited. I had the same thing happen the first couple of times I did WILD. Just breathe and relax and get ready for some awesome adventures in LDing. :cool:

I suppose everyone woud get afraid if experiencing their heart beating so fast it stopped beating and started vibrating instead :tongue:

Still, I was 100% awake the whole time. At any point I could have opened up my eyes, as I did in the end.

ok thanks for the reply folks I will try extra hard tonight having an LD

It’s important not to try TOO hard. Just relax and choose for it to happen, that’s the best way. You have to be passive, you can’t force it. :alien:

Do or do not, there is not try. -Master Yoda

Uhm… if your heart beats 5 times a second, which makes for 300 times a minute, you should be dead now. Not possible, it could have been like 150-180 or so max :grin:

i thought i’d just point this out …

A danish handball player had 300 hearthbeats a min and she was a top TOP athletic she nearly died, I bet you migth have had like 180 or 200 o something like that.

I looked up hyperbole at

“A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.”

or, My heart was beating five times a second.

I don’t know why I decided to look that up… :smile:

Well, it’s always good to be precise, anyway, Sage. :smile:
Anyway, I tried that for a while…But it seemed to disturb my ability to sleep too much, so I only tried it once or twice. I’ve never heard the term “Suneye” before though…It was always Third Eye. :wink:

It was fast I tell you.

I will have to settle at 3 times a second, no less. :happy:

Oh, that just made me think of something:
If my heart would beat even faster, that would be a potential danger to me, as to fast a heartbeat can be dangerous.

therefore, lucid dreaming can be dangerous.
There, I proved it! :cool_laugh:

It doesnt look like lucid dreaming is dangerous but only some technique to induce them which had a rare bad effect on you. This doesnt mean that it has a bad effect on other people aswell (but it might be offcourse, maybe there should be a warning on this method), and certainly not that lucid dreaming itself is dangerous.

And 180 bpm, ok i can agree on that <|:D