I tried the Suneye method for the first time last night.
I went to bed at 0200 hrs, and set the alarm for 8 o’clock.
It was rather difficult to keep doing the third eye method, but I coped with it. There was some lack of concentration but that doesn’t matter, It was easier to concentrate then in my WILD’s. I had taken 20 mg’s of Amilin before going to bed and a couple of B6 vitamins, but it didn’t help me much.
About a half hour into it, I started having faint vibrations, very similar to the ones I usually have, and they woke me up a bit, nothing unusual there.
I drifted to sleep again, and the I had that rush that comes before having vibrations, again, and it followed by much stronger vibrations. Those woke me up completely, so I took 10mg’s more of Amilin, and rolled over to my side and went to sleep.
I had some intense non-ld’s but nothing more.
Woke up at 8, had something to drink, eat and a cigarette. Came here, talked about ld’s and went back to bed at 9.
I did the 3rd eye method again, followed by some vibrations and drifted to sleep.
I woke up in my bed, surrounded by my family, and realised that there was a cinema unerneath my blanket. I realised it was a dream, continued looking at the screen under the blanket, and watched a documentary about James Bond, that Arthur Conan Doyle did really write the story instead of Ian Fleming. Then I lost lucitidy.
A little after that, I had the best ld i’ve ever had. I was flying around clouds and a voice was showing me some incredible stuff, and telling me about what you can do in ld’s. It ended with some guys from Monty Python and Waking Life transforming into clouds, and the voice told me I could come back anytime and have an ld.
I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight