Right on Pilot. I have been practicing the third eye technique and I must admit I do have a little bit of a headache. Im not sure if its related though because I really haven’t been pushing it hard.

I think I am going to try this technique tonight. I don’t really have to get up for anything tomorrow (since I’m between jobs… ugh) so I can take my time with it. I’m excited!

hey, for the third eye thing, alot of you say it is straining. have you guys done the thing with the ruler? like the 3 inches or whatever. its somewhere in the methods. I think a few of you may be focusing your eyes too high.

ok i’ll be more specific

i followed the instructions provided in method 1

i slept six hours, stayed up for an hour, went back to bed and when i woke up my body was paralyzed

i felt like i was sinking into my bed and into the floor and my conciousness just left my body then i slowly opened my dream eyes and was in an LD

For me 3 inches is makes the point of focus the little peak of the blind spot that comes down from the middle of my vision.

Anybody else get like a 5 second burst of color in their vision within the first 10 seconds of starting the technique?

I decided last night that it was way too cold to get up and wash my face with cold water, so I’ll give it a go tonight instead. The method seems ok, though there is a bit of it I simply can’t do.

Sleeping at an angle (wich makes sense when I invoke my entire imagination) simply isn’t a possibility. I don’t particularly feel like raising one end of my bed somehow, and I really don’t feel like creating a makeshift (and potentially dangerous) ramp at the top of my bed.

Also, Methods I, III and IV are all VERY close to being the same document. Conducting a breif comparison revealed that IV and III are exactly the same document, with the word ‘III’ changed to ‘IV’. Also, both III and IV contain the entirety of Method I. Seems a little bit unnecessary to me.

Not to waste precious posting room or anything, but… ditto.

Well, I don’t know the reason III and IV are the same but I think they’re just different copies of the same technique. Like, he discovred sleeping at an angle helps some people out so later versions included it? Maybe? I don’t think you have to sleep at an angle. He says method one works great for a lot of people.

I’ve tried this twice now and had the same result both times. I got up, no problem there, stayed up for an hour, there or thereabouts then tried the third eye thing whilst laying on my back. Felt tingly all over both times, but after an hour couldn’t take it any longer as I wasn’t falling asleep so I lay on my side instead and dropped off easily. No LD’s.
I think I might have more success if I meditate before going back to bed as this has worked in the past. I definitely felt more tingly this morning when I tried it and yesterday I dreamt that I was stealing a woman’s car and thinking " if only this was a dream I wouldn’t get into trouble". Will try again on thursday with a meditate in the hour period.

I tried the Suneye method for the first time last night.

I went to bed at 0200 hrs, and set the alarm for 8 o’clock.
It was rather difficult to keep doing the third eye method, but I coped with it. There was some lack of concentration but that doesn’t matter, It was easier to concentrate then in my WILD’s. I had taken 20 mg’s of Amilin before going to bed and a couple of B6 vitamins, but it didn’t help me much.
About a half hour into it, I started having faint vibrations, very similar to the ones I usually have, and they woke me up a bit, nothing unusual there.

I drifted to sleep again, and the I had that rush that comes before having vibrations, again, and it followed by much stronger vibrations. Those woke me up completely, so I took 10mg’s more of Amilin, and rolled over to my side and went to sleep.

I had some intense non-ld’s but nothing more.
Woke up at 8, had something to drink, eat and a cigarette. Came here, talked about ld’s and went back to bed at 9.

I did the 3rd eye method again, followed by some vibrations and drifted to sleep.
I woke up in my bed, surrounded by my family, and realised that there was a cinema unerneath my blanket. I realised it was a dream, continued looking at the screen under the blanket, and watched a documentary about James Bond, that Arthur Conan Doyle did really write the story instead of Ian Fleming. Then I lost lucitidy.

A little after that, I had the best ld i’ve ever had. I was flying around clouds and a voice was showing me some incredible stuff, and telling me about what you can do in ld’s. It ended with some guys from Monty Python and Waking Life transforming into clouds, and the voice told me I could come back anytime and have an ld.

I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight :cool_laugh:

Well after 14 days I finally got a LD. I’m not sure if I can give the suneye method the credit because I haven’t followed it exactly like it’s written and there were many other factors involved. I can however say that this method is worth trying at the very least because it has had some effects on my ND also.

My next experiment with it is to use it after a brief awakening. I have trouble falling asleep quickly, and I can’t hold my eyes up for too long, so like this there’s a good chance I can fall asleep and wake up in SP.

I was also thinking about that. You could possibly fall off or have your head fall to the side, and possibly tear your neck muscles (I’ve had that happen twice while sleeping on a sofa and in my bed, and it causes muscular spasms and pain for up to three days depending on the severity) or cause discomfort to your back.

So last night I decided to try the Suneye method. I went to bed at three in the morning, set my alarm for nine and then proceeded to do the third eye excercise for a while. I don’t sleep well on my back so after I while I turned over on my side and slept. I woke up one minute before my alarm was supposed to go off… the house was cold and I was so sleepy that I gave up and turned the alarm off!!!

I’m so stupid. The whole point is that you get up and wake your mind up while your body is still tired. Man! I am going to have to try again. Seems like quite a few people are having some degree of luck with this.

Pilot is right.
In fact any time you tense the muscles up in your body you are blocking the flow of qi/ch’i/ki. This isn’t very healthy. People have been know to give themselves hernias this way.

Yo guys it seems lik ur havin fun an interestin results wit this but do u think u can help me out. I downloaded the zip file but my cp is an ass and everytime i go to open it it goes to the “Open from current location or Save file to disk” window. current location dont work and savin to a disk is the same thing and it just repeats itself. Does any1 know how i can fix this or can any1 copy lik method1 text and e-mail it to me plz. even if u cant copy it just tell me wut i gotta do im sure u can keep it short and to the point. my e-mail is
plz dont hesitate thinkin sum1 else will. trust me i get lik 20 a day i have to deal wit from people gettin a few from here on the same thing wont make a difference. plz help me out.

I guess I won’t be able to try this until I can get to sleep before 5am… :grrr:
But it looks promising.

I doubt it would matter what time you got to bed as long as you have enough time to carry it all out and don’t need to get up for anything.

eeexcept for the little green men of the bioclock saying “this is when you usually wake up, so now you get up I don’t care what” or “you are awake at this time, so you can’t fall asleep right now”


I have trouble falling asleep when i am doing the third eye method… thats why I am not going to try the method until I have the peace and time to do it properly, rather than now since i am having exams right now…

i tried it last night but it didnt work… :sad:
i couldnt go to sleep first when staring at “my third eye” and telling myself i am going to have a LD normally i sleep after 10-20 minutes. so i stopped the method after an hour or so and went to sleep. i awoke by my alarm after 6 hours, stayed up for an hour and then went to sleep, did the same procedure as earlier but after some time (about 30 mins- 1 h) i felt those vibrations…i think, but they soon dissapered. my thought were wandering and i soon started to dream, and then wake up to wonder if i had bin dreaming or not.
so obviously something happend. i think i also had something of a false awakening for the first time, i heard my parent uppstairs making them ready for work, and then i woke and (gladly) noticed the house was dead.

when being awake for an hour should one look at the third eye until one sleep or just untill one feel the vibrations and then go to sleep? because i felt like i could stay up all night looking at my third eye.
obviously i am making progress but still doing something wrong…please help!!!

I’ve been doing the suneye method for two days (no success - but now that I started drinking mint tea again my dreams are more vivid) and I TOO wake up A MINUTE before my alarm goes off! This has happened on both days… really odd and cool :happy:

Yes, at first I thought a dream was starting, but then I realized that it was just a random swirling colors. It’s pretty interesting to watch since I have nothing to do but to lay, waiting for a LD to come. :confused:

Oh yes, I have successed with this techqunie. It’s posted in Dream Diary under my nickname. Come and take a look at it! :smile: I just wanted to test this techquie to see how well it worked and actually, I’m abit disappointed because that way, you wont have a long dream and the dreams are very unstable or fuzzy… at least it’s to me. I just feel like I’m waking up and then falling asleep and then waking up and then falling asleep, getting about 10 sec of dream, etc. You know what I’m talking about?