Welcome, friends, to ‘Sureal’s Pixels’. Here, I shall create a show case of my pixel art work…
I haven’t really done much pixel work (actually, you’re going to see all of it in here…) so yeah - I’m a begininer. So any advice and help if you have any is really apreciate .
First up - my avatar…
This was (kindda) my first piece of pixel work (ever). The reason it’s only ‘kindda’ my first piece is simple - origionally it was smaller (only had the middle bit) - but I made it slightly larger, added on the board and made it animated later.
It was origionally desinged for a forum with a black background - which is why there are those annoying black edges (making it square). As I no longer have the animating program, I can’t get rid of them…
Next, is my first atempt at an origional sprite (before these, all I had ever done was two (extremely bad) Squidi.net edit).
Male template:
Female template:
Although I’m quite happy with the male design, the female one looks off (mainly due to the breasts).
From these templates, I’ve come up with the following:
I’m sure you’ve spoted my main weakness now - poses. The template I made simply does not bend into any good poses. The only exception of the Jason Vorhees wannabe - but that is still only a very minor difference in pose.
If anyone has any good advice on posers, I’d really like to hear it.
Okay, now we’re coming up to my last ‘real’ piece of pixel work. These are my warriors. Once again, you’ll see pose problems.
This is the basic design, showing the three stages I went through (outline, falt colour and then shading).
I then edited the first stage (outline) slightly and then recoloured to make a leader for them (once again, this shows the three stages):
My main problem with this one is the shield - it looks terrible. Luckily, I managed to fix the problem in my next (and last) one - the banner holder.
I only have the finished design on my computer (I don’t think I actually kept the other two stages) so that’ll all you have.
But note: there’s still a lack of any real poses.
This last stuff is just two pieces of random rubbish, but I figure I may as well show it (for completions sake):
(I do have a couple other smilies - but this is the only one worth showing).
(no, I did not draw the background - it’s a photo. I only drew the door)
Also, when I posted this up on another, the main piece of constructive criticism I got was, ‘BOOBS TO BIG!’.
I agreed with them (actually, the girl’s breasts had been bugging me for a long time, but I was far to lazt to actually do anything about it…).
So, I went back and had another go at them .
New Boobs:
Old Boobs:
So, now you’ve had a look at all this, I’d like two things from you guys:
- C&C (comments and criticism)
- General advice on doing poses (if you have any - if not, then just numero one will do