why do people get surprises in their own dream or thing that happen unexpectidally. Last night i remember i was showing this one girl my guitars and then i noticed one of my guitars had a popped string. I knew that i didnt think that one up or wasnt afraid of a popped strings . What might have happened ?
Things that appears in dreams ( even lucid ones ) are not all consciously created.
And I don’t think they appear out of fear or expectation, they can come from any information stuck in your mind, even the ones you’re completely unaware of…
I think like in a case like this, your subconscious still thinks it’s awake and maybe applies some of your real life fears or insecurities.
Where you might be saying “hey I want to show off my guitars” and then that little insecure voice in the back ground saying “it would so suck if a string was broken” and then it’s broken when you pick it up.
I think Illuminada is right.
Hi dsystemofadownz,
Are you talking about LD’s or dreams in general? In the second case, I think I should move your topic into the Stuff Dreams are made of…
I am talking about both
It’s very interesting to notice that many things in our dreams are not submitted to our own thoughts and control: the story, the events, the background, the DC’s and even ourselves. It’s like there was a story teller that we don’t know and he invents the situation and the dialogs. Sometimes, he puts some clues of situations that will happen many minutes later and we don’t notice or understand them at the very moment. It’s like there were a very complex and clever personnality that is hidden behind all this. It can be called “unconscious”… though it seems to be very conscious indeed.
Wouldn’t it be a really cool idea to meet the Story Teller as you called it Basillus?
Probably some old White haired guy with glasses and loads of books and scripts ans ink pens!
It would be a pleasant idea. Yet is it possible he told a tale in which he appears himself? It sounds like paradoxical.
Can a writer lead a conversation with a character in a book? Difficult question. He can sure put this character together with another one representing himself, and then write what he wants to say, and let the character react… but how accurate will he depict himself? Might he leave out traces of his personality he doesn’t want to share, or that he isn’t even aware of himself?
I think you may meet the author of your dreams, in a way. But if you do, he might be a bit different from how he really is, and he could fool you completely by presenting himself as a totally bizarre character and laughing behind your back…
Can’t see how the Subconscious would be bothered by a paradoxical situation! It’s, in fact, the thing it’s best at.
I think it would have some nice outcomes… Wissam, maybe you sould suggest that as Quest!