Survey On LDs and techniques...etc.

Hi… I was wondering how certain LD things are linked…
Could you guys please spend time to answer these questions? Thanks in advance

1.) How often do you LD?
2.) How long it feels like you LD for?
3.) Do you keep a Dream Journal?
4.) How long have you been LDing for?
5.) What reality checks do you use and which are the most reliable for you?
6.) What techniques do you use? (eg. WBTB, telling youself before you sleep)
7.) How much sleep do you get?
8.) When you go to sleep?
9.) How old you are (approximately)?

  1. Not very often eh? Last one was in April.
  2. Not very long.
  3. Yes
  4. Since august 28 last year.
  5. I use watch and hand RCs.
  7. 7 hours
  8. 10:30PM
  9. 18

1.) How often do you LD?
Often is not a word I’d use when discussing my LD attempts. Only had a few lucid moments, working on it though.
2.) How long it feels like you LD for?
Less than a minute!
3.) Do you keep a Dream Journal?
Yes, online and written.
4.) How long have you been LDing for?
Trying to LD…Since I joined LD4All.
5.) What reality checks do you use and which are the most reliable for you?
Occasionaly when life seems a little too weird I ask myself “Am I Dreaming All Of This?”. Don’t do this regularly though, only at key times when something seems out of place.
6.) What techniques do you use? (eg. WBTB, telling youself before you sleep)
Haven’t yet found a technique that works for me. My lucid moments came from just reading about it before going to sleep and from wanting it to happen. I really don’t try very often, once a week I put in an effort and try out a technique.
7.) How much sleep do you get?
Anywhere between 6 and 12. Usually 8ish.
8.) When you go to sleep?
I work night shift so (Yawn!) I will be going very soon. It is now 1pm, I’m staying up late!
9.) How old you are (approximately)?
Approximately 30!

1.) At the moment, about once a week.
2.) 5 to 10 minutes, on average. Sometimes significantly less, sometimes surprisingly more.
3.) Certainly. If you take it seriously, you have to.
4.) Less than 2 years.
5.) Good ol’ watch RC, mostly. Occasionally I question reality if my car behaves unrealistically, or what have you.
6.) WBTB most nights, affirmations if I remember, and audio stimulus if it’s convenient.
7.) I aim for 8 hours on weekdays. Weekends it’s a matter of “How much can I get before some major obligation arises?”
8.) Weekdays, about 10:30. Weekends, anywhere from 3am onwards.
9.) 21.

1.) How often do you LD?
1-2 times a week.
2.) How long it feels like you LD for?
Usually about 5-15 minutes.
3.) Do you keep a Dream Journal?
Sometimes, I’m kind of on and off with my typed journal.
4.) How long have you been LDing for?
Only for about 3 weeks.
5.) What reality checks do you use and which are the most reliable for you?
I don’t do them to realize I’m dreaming, I just realize all of a sudden in most cases. But after I think I am dreaming I try flying to test it out.
6.) What techniques do you use? (eg. WBTB, telling youself before you sleep)
7.) How much sleep do you get?
8-9 hours each day.
8.) When you go to sleep?
I usually go to sleep around 11-12:30 PM.
9.) How old you are (approximately)?
15ish :razz:.

  1. three times per month
  2. a few minutes
  3. Yes, all the time.
  4. one year
  5. if something is strange, I RC the time.
  7. 8.5 hours average restful
  8. later than 10 usually
  9. 19

1.) An average of about four or five times a month.
2.) A few minutes.
3.) Yup.
4.) First LD was about ten years ago, but I’ve only been at it seriously for a couple of years.
5.) None.
6.) WBTB.
7.) About twelve hours.
8.) Somewhere between midnight and 3am.
9.) Twenties.

1.) During school: 2-3 LDs a week; during vacations: 4-6 a week
2.) about 5 minutes on average; sometimes up to 25 minutes
3.) yep
4.) I’m in my 16th month now (started on April 13 last year)
5.) reading some stuff (this one is the most reliable for me), jumping into the air
6.) Suneye, intention before going to sleep, WBTB, MILD, chakra meditation, energy raising and trying to realize that everything is illusionary during the day.
7.) 9-11 hours (during school: 5-7 hours)
8.) most often between 11-12pm, sometimes later
9.) 22

  1. About once a week
  2. A few minutes
  3. Yes
  4. Since August of last year
  5. I never use Reality Checks
  7. Usually 8-10 Hours
  8. Usually around 2-4AM
  9. 16

1 - about once or twice a week, although having a slightly dry spell at the moment.

2 - around 3-5 minutes.

3 - No. Used to, but I found I can recall my dreams just as well without it. Plus I don’t really have time to.

4 - About 3 months, maybe a bit more.

5 - Don’t really reality check much. I prefer other methods.

6 - Just telling myself I want to have an LD tonight, or even asking my subconscious if I could have a LD that night (pretty please?). I hear talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, but I don’t do it out loud, so that’s ok, surely?

7 - 9-10 hours/night, usually.

8 - around 10 or half 10.

9 - Uh, approximately 14, although I’m not entirely sure. Never really kept a proper count, you see.

I talk to myself all the time. Nothing wrong with it. And remember, as long as you question your sanity, you are sane.

  1. Never…
  2. Refer to 1.
  3. Yep!
  4. 4 months, about.
  5. Usually just looking at digital clocks, sometimes I try to move stuff or float.
  6. MILD, WILD, RCing, ehm…Tried the “hands” thing twice or thrice.
  7. 8-10 hours.
  8. 9ish.
    1. Boo.

Oh, but if you realize you’re sane because you question your sanity, then you stop questioning your sanity…At which point you might be crazy! Then you’ve just questioned your sanity so… :eh:
And, I actually tend to talk to myself out loud occasionally, especially when I’m doing something complicated or I’m stressed, quite often when lots of other people are around. :tongue:

Wow…A lotta posts here. I’ve recently just tried to pick up LDing, and needed some info on what works, and what doesn’t. Seems it’s quite scattered though. Thanks anyways people! :smile:

1.) How often do you LD?
2.) How long it feels like you LD for?
3.) Do you keep a Dream Journal?
4.) How long have you been LDing for?
5.) What reality checks do you use and which are the most reliable for you?
6.) What techniques do you use? (eg. WBTB, telling youself before you sleep)
7.) How much sleep do you get?
8.) When you go to sleep?
9.) How old you are (approximately)?

1.once a month(excluding last 3 months -there were none)
2.between 5 and 30 mins
5.i dont
8.various times


  1. Not very often unfortunatelly :neutral: I always get Really close to having a LD, but i always miss signs lol
  2. It didnt feel very long at all. I dont think any1 can say 4 sure, but 4 me it felft like several seconds(less than 10)
  3. Yes i do keep a DR
  4. Since January 25, 2003
  5. In my 1st LD i used the “sticking my hand through a wall” RC. During the day i do the same thing except i try sticking my finder through a wall.
  6. I use the WB2B method, i have tried WILD, i do try MILD every once in a while and i have tried to have an OBE recently.
  7. How much sleep i get usually depends on the day. If its a weekday, id say…9 and a half hours. If its the weekend id say…10 hours.
    :cool: On weekdays i go to sleep at 10:30pm. On weekends i go to sleep at 12pm
  8. I am 16 years old

P.S i think this survey is a great little idea :wink: