Even though most of this topic will be in Swedish, you are still expected to keep the thread on topic and keep to the usual LD4all guidelines
This is your first lesson of Swedish.
And remember if you learn Swedish you can understand other Scandinavian languages like Norwegian
So let’s begin with the Alphabet and here it is;
Notice the 3 letters at the end Å Ä and Ö, good now you know the alphabet
We can begin with a famous quote by Descartes “Jag tänker, alltså finns jag”, Descartes died in Sweden
“Jag tänker, alltså finns jag” = “Je pense donc, je suis” = “cogito ergo sum” = “I think, therefore I am”
A small dialogue
Valentin: Hej!
Magnus: Hej!
Valentin: Vad heter du?
Magnus: Jag heter Magnus och du?
Valentin: Jag heter Valentin, Hejdå!
Magnus: Hejdå!
Valentin: Hi!
Magnus: Hi!
Valentin: What is your name?
Magnus: My name is Magnus and you?
Valentin: My name is Valentin, Goodbye!
Magnus: Goodbye!
Ok, now we can start with some words;
Hi = Hej
Goodbye = Hejdå
My name is = Jag heter
What is your name? = Vad heter du?
Lucid dream = Klardröm
Dream = dröm
Nighmare = mardröm
Good Night = God Natt
Alarm Clock = Väckarklocka
Petter: You could always start Norwegian Lessons
sirius)(black: yep swedish sounds like german sometimes.
yes = ja
no = nej
0 zero = noll
1 one = ett
2 two = två
3 three = tre
4 four = fyra
5 five = fem
6 six = sex
7 seven = sju
8 eight = åtta
9 nine = nio
10 ten = tio
Substantive - singular and plural
ett bord = one table
två bord = two tables
en dator = one computer
två datorer = two computers
ett äpple = one apple
två äpplen = two apples
en dröm = one dream
två drömmar = two dreams
en bok= one book
två böcker= two books
Sometime it says “en” and sometimes it says “ett” I’m sorry but there is no rule for when to use what
Even though most of this topic will be in Swedish, you are still expected to keep the thread on topic and keep to the usual LD4all guidelines (posts have been removed from the topic)
Jag ar Hradska och jag har varit i Svarige. Jag studera svenska, men jag ar inte bra! Jag gillar klara dromma
Min van fran Malmo ska visita mig, och vi vill prata bara svenska or tjechiska, och jag tanker att dat ska vara katastrof!
hehe, did anyone understand that? (NOTE: dont take that as sample sentenses, cause the grammar is all wrong!!!)
BTW: the difference between en and ett is that en is used for most of the nouns (female and male ones) and ett for only the neutral class. The problem is, you actually have to learn what class each word belongs to(female, male, neutral), cause no rule applies here. Or I think atleast hehe, but i am too lazy to memorize that hehe
I am Hradska … I study Swedish, and when I’m in my bed! (;p)I’m going to Lucid Dream
When my friend (?) visits me we talk swedish or tsjechish. As you can think of it can be a disaster.
That’s not bad I understood what you meant
But it is not fully correct, it should be like this;
Jag är Hradska och jag har varit i Sverige. Jag studerar svenska, men jag är inte bra! Jag gillar klardrömmar
Min vän från Malmö ska besöka mig och vi vill bara prata svenska och tjeckiska och jag tror att det kommer bli en katastrof.
I am Hradska and I have been in Sweden. I study Swedish, but I’m not good! I likes lucid dreams
My friend from Malmö is going to visit me and we only wants to talk swedish and czech and I think that it will be a disaster.