"Sweet dreams" tea from Teekanne

Hi all,

I picked up an interesting herbal tea at a local hypermarket yesterday. It is called “Sweet dreams” and contains balm, camomile, lime blossoms, peppermint, sage, verbena herb and lavender. It is produced by Teekanne.
I am not saying this tea will give you LDs or whatever, but it does contain herbs known for their connection to dreams. Might be well worth trying if you can get a hold of it.

Of course I tried the tea the very same night. Well, except for very delicious taste I had no other experience, but I guess one try has no statistical significance :wink: Will keep trying in a days to come.

Have a nice day!


Balm and verbena will probably make you very drowsy…

I don’t know, but it might not help with dream recall…

unless if its about 50% and up Peppermint leaves in it then it should help. I beleive i have tried it before, and if not that one, then a different brand. The one i tried was also called “sweet dreams”. I also got no effects with it. Its just the name of the tea that is so mystic andattention grabbing for us…

:…: down below… kinda odd huh

Correct - the peppermint should make a difference! I need to buy some more…

amen. I belive the potion is supposed to just make you slightly more drowsy and relaxed. Yes, relaxed. So you can ease on in to the sleep world

I hear ya Clark!

Last night I had a cup of this tea just before going to sleep. I went to sleep
at 11pm and spent a few minutes reading some old posts from this forum.
I woke up at 4am and spent about 1 hour trying to solve some personal
problem from RL. I decided to sleep again at 5 am and when falling asleep
I thought just once that it’d be great to have a LD.

I had nice one LD and I was even able to reenter it 2 times after partially waking up. :smile:
So I’d describe method used as WBTB with some very “mild” MILD.

I cannot say how much that tea helped here but since I have big problems
having LDs naturally I guess there was at least some influence. Even if it
was just placebo, it was nicely working placebo :wink:

BTW: from what I have read balm and lavender are/were widely used for
enhancing one’s dreams. We all know that “mint is good” but I cannot
comment on other herbs used.


jtk, congrates! have some more liek you did. you will have a higher chance of having a LD wit h it because your mind had one after having some of the Tea… i hope you get my drift