Synchronisety phenomon, and LDing

This may help with LDing, and looking for awareness. Synchronesety, is where you take a C.D., and a movie, it can be any C.D. or any movie. Start the C.D. at the same time you start the movie. Turn the T.V. all the way down, and try looking for conections between the movie, and C.D. Ive had amazing expireances doing this, and Ive noticed alot. You may have heard about Dark side of the moon, and Wizzard of Oz. Its very popular. If not do a search on it, It will amaze you. Look for connections between music, and sceanes in the movie, or the music may seem to go with what you are watching. I think it might help with LDing.


I used to do this a lot, but I haven’t in a while. It is also fun with cartoons (because they move so quickly).

How do you think it will help with LDing?

I just wanted to say that there was a kid from my school who researched the golden ratio in the Wizard of Oz, and found that it works to the 7th degree (that is, a major event happens at the golden ratio of the time, and then the ratio from that point…on and on). The golden ratio also works in music like Bach, Bartok, Mozart. I tried it for a few bands that I like (I found it in Dillinger Escape Plan’s ‘Calculating Infinity’). Try it out sometime on a movie or song you like, you may find something.

I’ve done it where I watch a movie and do this not with music, but with the audio from a TV station or another movie. Most people probably can’t do this because of technology issues. (I can’t normally, this was at my cousin’s with his uber-nice entertainment center.)

It works, sometimes…

I heard about this, but never tried it… It seems purely psychological effect since the band denied any relation, and people disagree on when to start the music (1st roar, 2nd roar, 3rd ???) Can you explain you to use this for LDs ?

As for the golden ratio, some say it is also present in Beethoven’s 5th symphony, but never checked it myself. Bartok’s use of the number I know it to be intentional. It maybe unconsciously used in other works, since it has a lot of aesthetic value.

I think it’s a psychological phenomenon. Once, when I was interested in all these plug-ins for Winamp, that show different stuff synchronically with the music, I just looked out of the window. It was very funny, because all the trees, swinging with wind, were like a big plug-in dancing with my music. No full synchronicity, but plug-ins give no absolute synchrony either.

I dont know if it would help with LDing for a fact, its just a theory that I think would strengthen your mind, and awarness, because you look for, and see things that connect.

lateralus + the nightmare before christmas is really cool from what little i’ve seen, i’m not sure exactly how to do the synch, supposed to be when one of the logos fades away, either that, or if you have the dvd, just matche the times up

cd 0:00:01 = 0:00:01 dvd

how would you determine the golden ratio thing for the song, based upon counting?