Take it with you ( little method)

While i was reading “Can you bring back the objects from a dream” thread i stumbled upon Trianglatus` post advicving Anna trying to take those objects back to dream.
You can all read it,so i wont put it again here.

I thought that instead of copying Anna and trying to do same thing we can do something just opposite and by the way have kind of ld inducer.Tries of bringing items from the dream have one con- u got to be lucid first.

Choose the object…reasonably small and soft.Make sure it has some spirituall meaning to you.Then use a sticky tape to firm it in your hand.Go to sleep with intention of leaving the object in the dream.
Firstly i think it could be helpfull for people who allready bbase their MILDS on hand reality check(counting fingers and stuff)
Also having something stuck to your hand will make you more sensitive in this area while you sleep.As a distracting thing it will work towards lighter sleep and more awareness.
With your intention “i want to leave something in the dream” it might increase your chances to lds,especially since many of us got fascinated by the idea of such possibility.So we can add motivation here too.
Anyways…im going to give it a go.
What you think?Post your experiences here if u have any luck with it.

ps.And one more time thx to Trianglatus:)

Couldn’t you just have the object show up?

Before I post what I think, can you clarify…

is your goal LD induction or to actually bring something into the dream world? If bring into dream world, would that mean it no longer exists in the waking world?

I think Jack´s talking about LD induction, not about shifting materials from one world to another.
And I think it´s a very nice idea, since I also tried to work with these sort of things. My idea was to create a placebo effect for myself (which can work, since although I know it is placebo I also know that placebos work :wink: ).
I never got the idea to do it that way, though, I only tried to make something like a talisman. Especially the idea with keeping it in your hand while going to sleep is interesting, your tactile senses really could provide some input for the dream that makes you feel the object in your dream as well. Although, anything “unusual” seems to be good for LDing.


this really should work great
every time you partially wake you might be reminded of the object, also good chance to record any dreams and get your mind on it

I might try sometime

Jack nice idea!

Wasnt there a guy that had a ring at his finger that remembered him in his dreams that he was dreaming and that way he always become lucid!
He always looked at his fingers in his dream.
Thats more or less the same thing.
You can think of so many variations on this :smile:


That’s an excellent idea. Thanks a lot and make sure to post about if it worked well for you.

“is your goal LD induction or to actually bring something into the dream world? If bring into dream world, would that mean it no longer exists in the waking world?”

Ld induction.But if it goes well why not untaping it in a dream and leave it there.And see what happens:)

The guy with the ring used it for ld induction not to bring something in the dreamworld.


For anyone who wants to search for this ring method, I think the name is Zaerus (or at least similiar)
Was quite an interesting thread imho


I might try this. :smile: