Taking a car ride in a Lucid Dream

Has anyone tried this before?
I once had an LD where I stole my neighbour’s car (why not, lol) and just as I had started it the dream ended.
Does it feel any similar to driving in real life?
Or do you become so distracted by everything around you that you will only lose lucidity? :tongue:

I have stolen MANY cars in lucid dreams. It is so common that it has also become a major dream sign in lucid dreams. It feels similar to real driving, but as you say, it is easy to become distracted. Driving a long distance in a lucid dream is just like walking a long distance, it is easy to lose lucidity. It is actually easier to stay lucid if you drive in a crazy way to constantly remind yourself that it is a LD. Have you tried driving over water, or making the car fly?

Although they’re not lucid dreams, I have had many car dreams before, and although I never drove before, it seems realistic enough. The strange thing is, for some reason, I always dream of parking cars. Sometimes in my dream, I also have a blast looking at the speedometer and all the various buttons in the car. :content:

Yes of course. I like cars. I created BMW M3(E46) CSL model and I was drifting with it. Everything was like it should be, only gear shift looked odd, like it was a combination of a manual and automatic gear shift…

I had a car chase in a ND last night… I would like to try this again in a LD because the entire dream was excellent :smile:

In fact, I only started driving in dreams when I started LDing. I used to get the train everywhere :wink:

Yesterday I had a funny experience. I’ve never wanted a motorcycle but I had a dream where I bought one and drive one. When I woke up I had this urge the actually buy one. I got the desire to own one.

Funny because until that dream I would never consider the idea of having one, I actually do own a scotter but I’m not the fan of it… Odd… :eh:

Wow - I cannot recall a single ND where I was driving a car. Which is so weird, since I’ve been driving for almost 8 years.

I became lucid a couple weeks ago while driving my car (in the dream, of course) toward my house. Yes it feels like driving in real life. However, as soon as I become lucid my dream seems to feel like it’s falling in on me.

In normal dreams that I remember driving, a lot of times the car is difficult to control or the other people on the road are driving recklessly.

I was lucid a few weeks ago and found my car. I got in and tryed to start it but it took a couple tries. Finally it started as as I started to drive off it stalled out. Every time after that I tried to start it it stalled. I kept trying til I woke up. Driving is a lucid goal of mine

I wouldn’t know from personal experience, but a good solution to stop yourself losing lucidity is to crash, that may stop the dream fading. Then, if you want to keep driving, steal a car from someone in the pile-up you have undoubtedly caused. Foolproof :content: