I’ve noticed that lately, almost every morning I get a false awakening. For example, today I wanted to wake up around 11am. So I woke up, looked at the time on my cellphone and noticed it was about 10:30am. I wanted to keep sleeping though, so I set my alarm for 11 and went back to sleep. However, when I woke up “for real” (and way later than 11) I noticed that actually I never set the alarm - it had just been a very real false awakening.
These has been happening to me for at least a week in a row - but I’m still not sure how to take advantage of it to get a LD! Should I do a RC every time I wake up? What RC’s would you suggest? I don’t usually do the nose-pinch one, I go more for looking at the time and looking back again, and since aparently looking at my cellphone is what I do when I wake up, both real times and “false” it may seem like a good idea…
Is there a change in your daily routine? Did you begin to work night shifts? I’m only asking that because you are waking up after 10am(which is pretty late ) and because if it’s a newly change then it’s pretty normal to manifest in dreams.
How to notice that? Well yes, RC’s. You can do whatever RC you want, specially if there is one that is working for you. You can also spent a few seconds/minutes to observer your surroundings to be sure if it’s a dream or not.
Here’s one example which happened to me. I was listening music every morning upon waking on my phone and after a few days I had a FA of that action. So I “wake up” and I took my phone, I plug my earphones and then I noticed that’s something strange. I had old phone which I used before but I sold it and I realized that it’s a dream. And later I had one of the most fascinating lucid dreams.
And at the end it’s all about one thing - awareness. If you are aware of your actions upon waking then it’s not that hard to realize what’s FA and what’s not. Practice LL. It will help you a lot!
False awakenings really have a way for messing with you. Get up, go back to sleep, wake up and realize that you were dreaming.
Try two different RCs at the same time, there is less chance that they would fail. My favorite is the nose RC, it only fails if I’m not paying attention. It works because you’re breathing in your sleep, even if you block the air you’re breathing in the dream.
In theory, you could probably trigger FA’s by habitually doing a specific RC every single time you wake up.
The logic here is that if you always do this RC then you should eventually have a dream about waking up and doing the same RC, since it’s such a common routine in your life by then.
Yeah, I actually got out on vacation this week, so my sleep schedule completely changed in a short span of time - in a couple of days I went from going to bed and waking up early, to going to bed and waking up really late
Thanks everyone for the advice, I’ll definitely start a “RC routine” when I wake up and practicing more LL, hopefully this will help me turn lucid