Talking To Yourself in NDs...

Well I took a break from LDing since I was failing. When I started again I got two LDs. Both were DILDs. The thing is I was talking to myself in a ND going. The first time I was dreaming about a soccer game (Brasil lost :sad: ). It was Brasil vs USA. Brasil was winning 4-0 but I stopped and thought about it and remembered that Brasil was going to vs France (This was a week ago of course) and became lucid. I know this is a normal DILD. The second LD I had since my break was the one I had today. I was flying with a jet pack. I was in a race. It got quite scary so suddenly I start talking in my ND saying “Man, I want to get lucid”. When the dream got really scary I screamed “I wanna get lucid, NOWW!!” and -poof- I become lucid. What I want to know is if I was lucid when I was talking to myself? I felt that I knew I was dreaming at the point.I don’t know. I’m confused…

You were probably at a very low level of lucididity. Most people get that feeling there in a dream and do a RC, you just demanded to be lucid. I’d reccomend finding a good RC that will assist you when you get the feeling your dreaming, its probably more effetive than talking because it proves to you that you are in a dream.


This is common in dreams, so don’t even worry about it. :cool: That’s just dream logic for you. :roll: Chances are, you weren’t lucid beforehand - like I said, dream logic is a bit goofy. I’m sure there are plenty of people on this forum who have had similar experiences, so there’s no need to get worked up about it. :colgate:

Just checking. It seemed to happen as soon as I came back from the break. Just making sure I was going crazy :crazy: lol

That’s cool to know.