Well I took a break from LDing since I was failing. When I started again I got two LDs. Both were DILDs. The thing is I was talking to myself in a ND going. The first time I was dreaming about a soccer game (Brasil lost ). It was Brasil vs USA. Brasil was winning 4-0 but I stopped and thought about it and remembered that Brasil was going to vs France (This was a week ago of course) and became lucid. I know this is a normal DILD. The second LD I had since my break was the one I had today. I was flying with a jet pack. I was in a race. It got quite scary so suddenly I start talking in my ND saying “Man, I want to get lucid”. When the dream got really scary I screamed “I wanna get lucid, NOWW!!” and -poof- I become lucid. What I want to know is if I was lucid when I was talking to myself? I felt that I knew I was dreaming at the point.I don’t know. I’m confused…
You were probably at a very low level of lucididity. Most people get that feeling there in a dream and do a RC, you just demanded to be lucid. I’d reccomend finding a good RC that will assist you when you get the feeling your dreaming, its probably more effetive than talking because it proves to you that you are in a dream.
This is common in dreams, so don’t even worry about it. That’s just dream logic for you.
Chances are, you weren’t lucid beforehand - like I said, dream logic is a bit goofy. I’m sure there are plenty of people on this forum who have had similar experiences, so there’s no need to get worked up about it.
Just checking. It seemed to happen as soon as I came back from the break. Just making sure I was going crazy lol
That’s cool to know.