Hi everyone,
I’m kinda new to lucid dreaming, had one that only lasted about 2 seconds or so. I was just wondering if in LD’s, you’re able to smell or taste things? Might be a rather dumb question
Hi everyone,
I’m kinda new to lucid dreaming, had one that only lasted about 2 seconds or so. I was just wondering if in LD’s, you’re able to smell or taste things? Might be a rather dumb question
You definately can.
I’ve had LD’s where I’ve went into convenience stores and gorged on all the food. I really liked drinking pop, you can chug a big bottle without having to stop to breath.
Sounds nice
Thanks for the reply
firstly, hello solo
ofc you can smell, bout you dont have to; you know in your dreams you dont follow physical laws, and in your LDs you can do whatever you want. You can smell if you want but you dont have to
I can’t wait to finally have a decent LD and eat xD (and ofcourse other things too )
OMG I love eating and drinking in LDs. I downed this huge bottle of grape soda once. It was sooo good. Not to mention all the sushi I spawned and then ate.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and once I drank a whole load of beer in my LD. I never even tried in real life.
I went once to a fine restaurant in a LD. Dishes and white wine were very good!
When i think about it i have never tasted or smelled annything in a dream… that i can rember… gonna try it tonight…
You ate DISHES?
OMG soda? that’s so bad for you!
Oops! Did I make a mistranslation? I meant the menu was excellent. I didn’t eat of course plates, knives and forks…
They served me a thing they called “rôties”, which was prepared with roasted potatoes and a curious green sauce with mixed herbs. It was accompanied with salad and a cup of wine, which was a Sauternes.
But I couldn’t eat other things cause they tried later to poison me hence I destroyed the whole restaurant.
This dream is amongst the rare ones I’ve put on my LD4all DJ.
I had this dream cause I was hungry IRL in my sleep so that in my LD, I remembered that there were a fine restaurant near the place I was (it was a false memory indeed).