"Teaching" my brain

Okay guys, here is my idea that i like to hear your opinion on.
Somehow i wanna tell my brain that realizing that im dreaming is okay not realizing isnt. For this i wanna use the following technique.
Every single morning i would treat myself with a something good if i had a successful RC and Ld, and on those days when i fail i would do something unpleasant. What do you think ? Could it be useful ? If you think that it is a stupid idea tell me that too before i start spanking myself :rofl:


First of all, I’m not sure if that would work. I could very well be wrong, though. :tongue: I’ve seen people mention hypnosis, for example, but I don’t remember seeing any success stories (would be interested in seeing one, though!)

On the other hand, I personally don’t see punishment for failure a good idea. I don’t think there are shortcuts to becoming a good LD’er, you need to practice and learn with yourself what works and what doesn’t. And you learn a lot from failure!

I see most people using the word ‘fail’ as a terrible thing and they shun it (don’t get me wrong, I’m sure I’ve been there myself :lol:). These people forget to look at this failure and see what went wrong or what could have been different.

Say you get SP but aren’t able to enter a dream. A “failed WILD”. But you did reach SP, you’ve gained one more experience with it, one step closer to SP being something normal and with which you are used to, which obviously will help you WILD in the future.

Anyway, just something you may want to think about before you start slapping yourself :happy: Please do post your results if you do try it, though. Good luck!

This is a very good example of operant conditioning (Conditioning yourself to break a habit or change in a way). It works, if you do it right. If you have a good recall that night, reward with a pleasant experience based on however you want to base it on. If not, you don’t need to punish yourself, just take something away, but start small, you don’t need to start with video games.
Also, you don’t need the other for it to work, you can just have a pleasant experience everytime you recall and not reward yourself when you don’t recall.

“FYi, slapping doesn’t work. It either makes you afraid to get slapped in the morning or you like it. I’m pretty sure you don’t want to lucid dream out of fear, even though it is a powerfull feeling.”

Hello guys and thanks for the feedback

I would like to start with saying that with this “technique” i would just give a hint to my brain that he (my brain) did good or not. The spanking thing was only a joke. I would put some salt on my tongue for 10 second as a punishment and i would reward myself (my brain) with my favorite bubblegum. small stuff like this. Like people wearing and snapping rubber bands on their wrist for helping themselves braking a habit.
And of course i would still work with my failed attempts. This “technique” would only be a little part of my learning process.
Yes maybe it could work without the other. I`ll have to find something that isnt too drastic, like a delicious coconut shower gel every successful morning and a plain soap on every other. No spanking :rofl:

By the way i just had a short ld this morning