Techs stop working

(Rant warning)

All techs that work for me seem to stop working after a while :sad: When I first tried suneye, I got LDs about half the nights I tried it. Then after a few weeks, I stopped having LDs but I had really amazing recall. I woke up pretty much every REM-period, but not always during the first and second REM. Then after 1-2 weeks I also lost my recall and now I have my general lowish dreamrecall again. And almost no LDs at all :cry:

The listening to the ticking of a clock tech worked well at first too, but that too stopped working after about one month. My brain seems to misunderstand learning somehow. I’m supposed to get better the more I practice, not worse :grrr:

/me has a very long and serious talk with his brain

Well I guess that’s about it for now…


It may be because you were getting over confident with the tech?

Well it’s hard not to get confident over a tech when it works over 50% of the time :tongue:

I think this thread is very interesting. I hope a lot of people could answer.
I experience the same problem, and I have often to change my techniques. I wonder if everybody has this kind of problem… :confused:

BUMP , and a bit more ranting :scream:

Since I’m too lazy to make a new topic and because this one need a b bump I’m just going to post here :tongue: I had some good idea about why a tech might stop working, but by now I’ve forgotten what the idea was :bored:

I thought I might also take a moment and complain about my STILL shortish LDs :sad: Well, most seem to be longer than about 30 sec when I got them with suneye. But not longer than a few minutes. And from what I’ve read most peoples LDs seem to get longer with practice, but mine seem to only get longer very, very slowly.

/me has another talk with his brain

Oh, I just remembered what I was thinking about :cool_laugh: Maybe it’s that when a tech is working as WILD and because one always fall asleep while doing it. Maybe the brain sort of wrongly learns that we are supposed to fall asleep and not really WILD and get LDs. Then again it could just be that one does the tech a bit different after a while of practice. And one has forgotten exactly how it was done when it worked in the beginning. I rememeber most of how I did suneye when it worked well, but I suppose I didn’t think that much about how it worked since it worked so well. And when it stopped working I couldn’t exactly remember how I did it in the beginning.

I have a question about the length fo your LD’s - do you wake up at the end of them, or do you just lose lucidity (i’m too lazy to go chck you’re DJ :tongue:).

If you lose lucidity - just keep on reminding yourself it’s a dream.

If you wake up - try staberlising the dream as soon as you wake up.
Or try my thing (look at something - consider how realistic it is, touch somethin, consider how realistic it is, consider how you actually seem to be inside the dream) cos I find it generally doubles the length of my LD’s (and it seems to help other people too).
Or, whilsy in the dream, just expect it to last a long time?

I always wake up from my LDs, well I’ve lost lucidity a few times but that seems to only happen 1 out of maybe 20 times. Unless I get a FA instead of waking up, then I almost always loose lucidity. And I usually wake up too fast to do anything about the waking up :sad: It usually happens in less than 1 sec, so there’s almost no time at all to react. But if it’s slow I usually manage to hang on for a few more seconds, but not longer than that. I’ve tried focusing on what I see when I notice that I’m about to wake up, but them my eyes usually get so heavy that I can’t keep them up and when I close them I wake up. Once I even held them up with my fingers :tongue: but that didn’t work that well either :cry:

The expecting them to last a long time would probably be good, because if the lasts more than about 1 minute I’m usually surprised over how long it’s lasted. I tried rubbing my hands once but then I just woke up and I was rubbing them IRL :eh:

If your eyes get heavy, there’s a number of things you could do in return:

a) forget about how heavy they’re feeling
b) look through your eyelids
c) concentrate on another sense (touch is good) until you can open them again

When I first staretd LD’ing, I always just expected my LD’s to last like ten minutes or whatever, so they did.
And in LD’s where I worry I’m going to wake up - I do.
I even remember in one LD saying to a DC ‘I bet I’ll wake up in a minute’ and I did. Whereas in my really long LD’s, I don’t even think about waking up until just before I do.

Also, try taking a RC everytime you wake up (especially after LD’s) to catch FA’s.

I have the same problem as JaRoD :crying:
My favourite technique was WILD before because I made great progress with it, now I can’t even get the vibrations any more. So im trying out new techs, dont know if they work better, so far my LD’s been DILD’s every time…