
success !!!

so i had an LD this morning and decided to try telekinesis on a oversized bowl of cereal that i dropped (yeah it’s not worth getting into) so i tried it and it didn’t work. i took a deep breath, stabilized the dream and imagined energy flowing out from my hand to the ground, along the floor, under the bowl of cereal, and sure enough it came shooting up, i had to stop it before it hit the ceiling and then i lost it, and couldn’t do it again

but i was happy i finally got it to succeed so i didn’t care. i tried ulrik_tr’s method for pyrokinesis, i envisioned all my energy focusing to the tip of my finger. and it got really hot and felt like it was burning, but it wouldn’t ignite. maybe next time :smile:

anyway, thx everyone for your advice and comments :yinyang:

im very skeptic of all these people who have said they have managed telekenisis in real life

If someone could actually do this it would be plastered all over the news. Not just on personal videos that can be doctored and in shows that can have illusionary elements behind them

Telekinesis would be a huge step for mankind and not taken lightly if someone could actually prove it can be done

Would love some feedback on this from anyone who says they ‘can’ do it

Tonight I was using telekinesis in a ND but the stupid dream me was thinking that he had HI or something. But I did have almost perfect control over the yogurt cans I was moving.

I have another problem. I have not troubles with telekinesis but every time when I am trying to get some fun with it some DC attacks me and I have to spend precious lucid time for killing some bastard! :grrr:

how abuot no?

Think about that man, really think about it.

If I videotaped myself flying, and sent it to a news agency, would they post it?


If I went to a news van and flew around it, yes the guys would be all over me video taping it.

But would their skeptical conservative bosses post it? The public would think they (and I) were insane, they’d get fired.

You’d have to demonstrate TK in front of hundreds of thousands of people at a time in public and get a huge cult following before you would get ANY (if you do) news coverage at all.

I mean hell imagine if we had a new messiah/prophet/healer come, he could be as real as … day, but… do you think anyone would follow him? No… it’d be blasphemous, he’d have a small local undgeround following at best.

I highly highly doubt unless you could make huge things explode at will and had tremendous God like powers, that you would get any media attention at all.

You’d be more likely to just get spied on by the government and to have them silence your minute teleketic abilities, providing you had them, in real life.

It would definitely be a national security crisis if ANYONE could do this, and you tried to show the world how, they wouldn’t want that, they’d shut you up, or label you as a cook.

Holy reality, I don’t entirely agree with that. I believe it would be much more commonly accepted if anyone had ever demonstrated their skills to a panel of researchers, with moderated coverage by the media. Currently the only “mystical” abilities that have been performed under scientific observation have been too ambiguous to allow reliable conclusions to be formed. Telekensis is unmistakable. Let the scientist move his hands around the object that’s levetating, and we’ll have huge news headlines all over the world within 24 hours. This hasn’t been done, and I don’t buy the usual “They’re all too afraid because it would turn their lives into one big scientific experiment” excuse. I just don’t think anyone has ever possessed the ability, and so couldn’t ever present it for study. Surely the effect it would have on the scientific community is worth “blowing your cover”, since most alledged mystics are forever whining about the closed-minded view of hard research.

Something like this doesn’t stay secret forever, and it only takes one reliable demonstration to blow everything apart as we know it.

I have to agree with Atheist on this one. Someone with telekinesis could simply walk to the corner on a busy street with lots of foot traffic, and start making some objects float around. People would stop to watch, be amazed, and the person would be on the news that evening. The next day they could demonstrate it for some scientists and it would be international news by the evening of that day.

Telekinesy has been proved. One man named Uri Geller went to many TV shows and demonstrated his powers in front of hundreds of thousands people. There were many scientists that studied him, making sure he wouldn’t cheat or anything. For hundreads of times he managed to twist metal bars and forks, He has also managed to teleport things (Although this has not been proved) (Although he isn’t able to bring objects in his hand without touching them, as the “typical” telekinesis)

One interesting thing is that telekinesis is contagious! When He went to a live tv show in UK, he asked people at their home to try it with him and some of them managed too, this as also been proved. Some people, watching a video of uri geller using telekinesis, seamed to gained his powers, as if their brain needed a visual proof for their capacity to work.

Just googled and found his website, seems he’s gone a little too much comercial, I’ll try to find a video.

EDIT: Here’s a video, although its very bad can’t find any other…
the video is a the bottom of the page

did you read that website?


I can’t fool people!

It’s sad that these people can earn so much publicity doing a few “paranormal” tricks than some excellent all-around “magicians”, when they’re really using the same tricks. Bending pre-bent spoons? Pah! I’ve seen magicians levitate sticks and they surprise me far more than Uri Geller and David Brent doing street magic.

… no :ack:

Oh well, I guess I refuted (does that word exist?) my own arguments…

didn’t Uri Geller do remote viewing for the government or something?

If he did, would the government really admit it? I think not. If he didn’t, would the government admit it? Also not.

holy reality, that’s probably just a rumour/urban legend.

In some of my early lucid dreams I managed to make things appear by concentrating really hard but I haven’t done that for a long time, don’t know why. I must try next time as I’m sure it’s something I’m capable of.