well… everyone had such helpful suggestions when i was struggling with walking through walls (i’m getting better at that btw) that i’d like to again pick your brains for my newest roadblock:
i thought telekinesis would be easy for me, i sorta equated it to flying (which i’m good at) only making other objects “fly” i’ve attempted it in an LD about 3 times now and have failed each time. so if anybody has any helpful tips and tricks to get my stubborn mind to believe i can move objects w/o touching them, it would be much appreciated
Have 100% confidence when trying it. This was one of the most vivid things I have ever done in an LD. If it doesn’t work keep trying, telling yourself your only failing because your not confident enough. Possibly try noting the thoughtless confidence you have while doing everyday things while awake (such as picking up a pen) and try in some way to recreate that feeling in your dream.
Hmm, i’ve only had telekinetic powers in a non-ld. I could burn up things, by moving my fingertips over them, and imagining an energy coming out of them, concentrated on a small spot, like when you burn stuff with a magnifying glass. Then the objects slowly started to burn.
I suck at walking trough walls. But telekinesis works pretty much every time I have tried it. I do a lot of telekinesis in ND’s so that might be why it works for me.
The way I do it is that I point the palm of my hand towards the object that I want to move. Then I look at the object and just think/feel how I want the object to move. Sometimes I just move the hand and the object moves too.
Once I even got lucid from a successful telekinesis attempt. I willed my cellphone from the floor into my hand.
Ok, remember, that forces are what makes things move right? So, if your mind understands this… then simply create a force! Say to your self: “There is 500 N on this brick…, and that will overcome static friction and it shall accelerate depending on its mass!”… well thats what I would do.
I usually struggle a little to exercise magic in an LD, but I have been successful with telekenisis before. I remember a dream I had a while ago in which I could effortlessly move objects around in the immediate area without having to touch them. Not sure exactly what happened, but these days it’s not common for me to have that kind of power. Which is actually quite weird, since everything else about my LDs (frequency, length, quality) is only getting better.
Telekinesis works very well in LD s. I have used it as a RC. That is how confident I am with it. Start with something small like a can of soda. (That is what I used the first time I tried telekinesis). Just hold out your hand and out loud say “come to me now” say it with confidence and really believe that it will work.
you should practice tk in real life. if you can do it in rl itll be a piece of cake in an LD. it can also strengthen it if u practice real life a lot. its amazing how powerful and easy it can be in a dream afterwards.
I did it the same way I do telekinesis, but with the intention of killing the witch. She tried resisting but after a few seconds she burst into flames. After that the 10 other witches there started throwing darts at me and when one of them hit me in the shoulder I woke up.
The key is that you have to believe it will work. If you believe you can hurl a fire ball at a witch than you can. You just ave to leave your waking life expectations and restrictions behind.
If I tried that I think my subconscious would respond “alright, I’ll take your word for it” and move the object.
I’ve never had much problem using telekinesis. I start by having the object move very, very slightly. Once it budges, you can move it a little more, and once it starts moving a little, you can move it around as much as you like.
I just remembered when I tried to use telekinesis… I left my house after becoming lucid and wanted to fly, but I didn’t want to drop the biscuits I was holding (what, me, semi-lucid? ) I told myself the biscuits would stick to me, and held them at my side.
I think they must have dissappeared when I took off, because I haven’t seen them since.
yea, i have done tk in real life. its incredibly difficult though. prolly the hardest type of psychic skill i know and got. i look at it as being near the top of the ladder, if u practice it, any other skill lower on the latter gets strengthened too.