
I know this isn’t really telepathy, but here goes. :content:

This happens to me a lot, like I’ll be doing something entirely on different grounds and subjects, when like I see something and it immediately dawns on me that something is going to happen involving that object and it [99.9% of the time] happens. For example, once we were waiting for a bus, and I suddenly thought it was going to be late because of traffic. And it was late because of traffic! Another time, the phone rang, and I knew who it was going to be, my sister’s friend. It is like I just get a feeling, a gut feeling that whatever I think is going to happen, is going to happen and it does.

I also tend to be in tune with people’s auras and emotions, like when someone enters a room that I’m in, especially if I know that person, I “know” immediately what emotions their feeling. I use this ability to “map out” the emotional landscape of a room I plan to enter with a lot of people in it, so to speak.

I’m also eidetic, which means I have a photographic memory. I have tried on multiple occasions to transfer my “pictures” to other family members at their willingness with very little to no success. Once, however, I did attempt at transfering a mental picture I had of the beach to my sister, and she said she felt extremely warm the minute I conjured up the picture. She didn’t get the picture, but the feelings and emotions of it, which suprised me.

My cousin and I have also tried telepathy by transferring thoughts of various shapes, such as circles, simple thoughts, to eachother with varying success. My cousin says you need practice to do such, as I can only imagine.

So yes, to sum it all up, I do believe in telepathy etc.

I can’t say I’ve had any expiriences with telepathy, Just hearing voices one time when I was little, but no real expiriences.
Being telepathic or have telekinisis would be soo cool!! :woo:

Its not that hard to learn telepathy, its harder to control it. I dont know how you shall learn telepathy, my ability has always been with me :cool:

About your last line, if you can both, you have a very broken power :smile:


there is a musing that any time a thought comes in and its something you imagine, its actually a telepathic conversation but i don’t think so because

i can listen to them like right now i’ll try to talk to my friend

she says shes eating donuts, so

i don’t think that is true, i will ask her.

(i.e. seems to be the imagination, is the same as the VOICE in your head that is YOU which is very quiet…)

i’m really wondering on this, what the inner voice sounds like, because you can hear it

it goes “i am thinking, i am thinking” but it does not appear to have a noise to it.

I think the above statement may be true, but only regarding to things you imagined without conscious efforts to do so, like things that suddenly ‘pop’ into your head.

Since I started doing the mental photography thing, this side of my mental processes have simply skyrocketed.
It happens to me very frequently now, that I just think of something, very honestly as if nothing is special about it and I tend to discover it’s ‘telepathy’.
A couple of minutes ago, for example, I was thinking about a friend of mine , her legs were injured not long ago. And so I wondered how is she and I started imagining a conversation between us. Completely forgot about it very shortly and after 10 minutes, she called and we had a very similar conversation.
Another example to demonstrate a tad different type.
I was sitting at a restaurant yesterday with a friend when he goes on talking about this nice deal he found for a plane ticket and accommodation for a low price , he then asks us (2 of us) to guess the price. The number 600 just popped into my mind. I didn’t try to guess, I didn’t even think about guessing , it just came into my mind.
At that very same lunch, he was asking what do I want to order and I said I don’t know and I asked him if he could just order a couple of dishes he thinks are good, I just looked at the menu, my eyes completely of themselves looked on a certain dish , samba sashimi (japanese restaurant) and maybe two seconds later, he said:
" well , you could have the samba sashimi "
I tend to look at it in this simple way
If you feel like you are pulling the thought, you are creating it consciously, it’s probably yours,
if you feel as if you are being pulled by the thought, it’s probably some signal you’re picking up.
If you want to pick up the signals, all you need do is shut down your own.
Be mentally quiet and let it come to you.

That’s the way it is for me.