tell me what you think

:confused: I had a dream the other night that a man dressed like a vamp was ooking for me. He was wearing a black cape and he could fly. I had some sort of feelings for him. I was in the woods and first he was chasingme and i fell in a barrell rolled own to his feet. He then picked me up and flew away with me. I cant remember where he took me but after that when i was away from him i was sad.I then ended up in my moms kitchen telling her i would not be home that noght (secretly awaiting his arival) next thing i remeber i was in the same patch of woods and i could feel him getting closer to me. He then came down from the sky and swooped meoff.
He took me to some area i dunno? But all i can remeber after that he was dying in my arms and i was sad. He had some significance to him like he was my lover. The strange thing about it is this man had no face.

Tell me whatyou think please.
When i awoke i missed him.[/b]

Welcome to ld4all forum ashnight. :grin: I hope you enjoy being part of the ld4all community. :wiske:
Discussions about normal dreams are usually posted in the stuff of dreams, so I will tranfer your post there.


It was a dream. Dreams are strange. I can’t really tell you anything besides that… :wink:

lalalalalaa u loking for tall dark and handsome and u like vampires

Hey ashnight :wink:
Welcome to the LD4ALL forum

I too have had dreams like that. It may reflect how u might feel about some1 irl but u dont realize it and arent aware of it shrug.

Hope u find the meaning of the dream ^_~

go Lucid and ask the dream what it means :smile: