Steward Copeland – for making the awesome Spyro 1 soundtrack
3 + 4) Ren & Stimpy
Jack Nicklson (he plays the perfect jack@$$)
Invader Zim
Alucard (from Hellsing, not Castlevania)
Aleister Crowley
Hitomi Takahashi (A Japanese pop singer. You can find her songs on Youtube.)
A female version of myself – my feminine side! Then she could explain to me how female lifeforms think & operate, so I’ll always know what girls are really saying. MWAH HA HA HA!
Note: We would probably only be in the coffee shop for a few minutes. Then I would ask them “Hey insert character, how ya doing? Let’s blow sh*t up!” Then we’d continue our conversation laughing as we crush & explode stuff with giant robots and/or rocket launchers.
It would be the 1) main religion characters, like Jesus Christ, Buddha, etc. (not that buddhism is a religion more than it is a philosophy of life, I know that)
I would ask them what really happened and what’s rather a lie/rumour.
And I’m actually not religious at all, but it would be interesting to hear it from those characters/people directly (even if it’s my subconscious).
Other than that, I would wanna talk to 2) a few of my friends. 100% honest, with no restraints. Talk about how they feel… Of course assuming it’s a shared dream.
3) My spirit guide - well, people say everyone has a spirit guide. I’ve never met mine. 4) A random person from 15 years into the future - I would ask them if the 2012 prophecy is all bs. Hmm… On the other hand, no, I shouldn’t know that. I couldn’t live with that kind of knowledge, it would be too much… But it’s so, so tempting…
My spirit guide. I’ve met her two times before, but I want to know more about her. I also want to know more about myself.
God. There’s something I’ve been wondering about, and I want answer.
Satan. Why is he (or she) there? What does the devil do all the day? Is there a little child inside him (or her)?
A life guard I saw in another dream. I want to meet him again. I liked the way he held me, though he took me to the prison.
Albert Einstein. I guess he has something smart to say.
Cupid. He must have forgotten me =( I’ve never been in love. Why D:
My friend. She loves when I dream about her, and I love to tell her about my dreams.
Myself as a boy. Brilliant idea, NightOwl413!
Jim Carrey. He’s funny, I like his humor. Crazy, though.
Christian IV. He was an Norwegian king, who had a little fun, and is now my relative(grand-grand-grand-etc.-grandfather.) But he chose the wrong queen, in my opinion. I could be a princess, but no!
I know dreams aren’t real, but what DC’s say is so funny. I would love to talk to these 10 people.
1 - The devil - Just to meet “it”
2 - The girl from “The girl next door” - Because shes hot
3 - angelina jolie - For the same reason
4 - Both sides of my own contience
5 - Bob Marley - he is a legend in his own right
6 - Slash
7 - BucketHead - They are my favorate guitarists of all time
8 - Stephan tyler - I absolutley love aerosmith
9 - Brett michaels - I know hes a douche bag, but i would just want to
10 - Ganjaman from the “soft secrets” newspaper
They are the reasons why, but ultimatley, they are my choises as they are the 10 people id always want to chill out and have a smoke with…
My future self-See what I’m like.
2.Past self-see what i was like.
3.My grandmother-To see her before she passed away.
4.Guardian angel/“Spirit guide”-Thank it.
5.My friend Autumn-Just to make it feel more friendly and stuff.
6.The girl from some of my former dreams-Talk to her, ask her, her name.
7.A random artist-Draw a picture for me so I could draw it In real life.
8.My brother 10 years into future-See whats he’s like
9.My mom 10 years into Future-See what shes like.
10.My Future wife-see who I’m gonna marry.
My guardian angel: get spiritual advice, and be able to thank/get to know the being who’s been looking after me all these years (and doing an amazing job of it).
My past self: talk about how far I’ve come, get some real perspective on my life
My Subconscious, Incarnate: another great source of insight, talk to it about what I really want in life, and how I can get it
The alter personalities of my friend: it would be amazing to see all of them together, and talk to them; maybe I’d get some sort of helpful inspiration from visiting with all of them
Jesus: I’d feel totally unworthy, but it’d be cool to be able to just talk stuff over and get a much better understanding of spiritual life
The Black Wolf: A DC I’ve only seen once, but I found him incredibly intriguing.
Stephen LaBerge: Oooh man, personal advice from the man himself. Awesome.
Crazy Mike: a legend where I’m from. I can only imagine what sort of ludicrous things he’d say/do.
Morgan Freeman: …it’s Morgan Freeman. Need I say more?
Any random DCs who are nearby: everybody’s got their stories. It’d be cool to talk with them, and see what they represent for me.