This is a theory that I haven’t been able to test yet. Please experiment instead.
The primary reason we don’t become lucid is because when we are dreaming our degree of awareness is very low. We are usually only a passive observer of the dream content. To do an RC and realize we are dreaming requires a higher level of conscious awareness than we usually have during standard dreams. Therefore if we can raise this awareness we are far more likely to initiate the RC procedure and become lucid.
A good way may be to use an external stimulus. I don’t have a NovaDreamer. Perhaps if an alarm is set for when we are dreaming (usually about 1 1/2 hours after sleep) and the music is very relaxing and soft, with the volume very low it wont wake you up. It mustn’t. The idea is to just raise awareness slightly so we can see we are dreaming.
there have been a few experments with audio stim at the lucidity inst but they were almost not worth the trouble. the experments are in there some where. the nova dream also is a bit dought ful ( sorry stephen) sure it gives you quees and sound and light flashes but your dreams have a waay of making externol sounds and light into your dreams so they seam normal. this is why music probally wont help.
i dont have a nd yet i have always wanted one but have been put off by the reports does any 1 here have 1 . and can you prove me wrong plz.
i will try your experment tonight and see what happens.
Back when I was on the lucid dreaming newsgroup there were plans to build a novadreamer-esque device called dreamweaver. The plans called for IR sensors, LEDs, stuff like that but said most of the components could be bought at regular stores. Just yesterday in the radioshack flyers they had 3 different LEDs on sale; red, flashing red, and green. Notably the designs also required it to be hooked up to a computer.
i’m not entirely sure what you mean by this? In my none lucid dreams i am occationally an “observer” mostly however i am like a main player in the dream, not always in my own body however.
I always know when i am dreaming, i always have. But i like dreams so much i let them happen and now i think that is hindering me when trying to LD. Because for like 15yrs i have been letting them happen, i’m having trouble getting Lucid - though if i have dreams that i remember from before i seem to jump instantly into a low level lucidity.
I so far haven’t been able to LD willingly, it just been automatic.
What he means by “Passive Observer” is simply that we don’t have the same kind of critical mentality while asleep as we do when awake. Sure, we are the main element of the dream, but never do we see something unusual and think “Hey, that’s pretty weird.” What happens in the dream happens without question or assessment on our behalf.
For the last 2 months I’ve been testing external stimulus in the form of sound recordings to test this very theory. I’ve built numerous CD’s, with everything from “You are dreaming” repeated over and over to Stephen LaBerge’s 2 hour radio interview. Initially, I had quite a lot of success. For some reason, I seemed to have more LDs while listening to the Stephen LaBerge interview than I did any of the other recordings. I think this might have something to do with the way the sounds intergrate into your dreams.
Anyway, there were a few threads about this recently. The initial one was called “Possible Holy Grail Technique” (or something close to that) and I can’t remember the name of those that followed it. The last 2 pages of my journal also document my personal experience using this technique.