I have only been trying to LD since watching Vanilla sky and would like to thank this forum & wonderful community for leading me to the : watarts.uwaterloo.ca/~acheyne/intruder.html
site. I have experienced the “presence” a couple of times and figured it was death or a demon or something. Now that i know it has no power over me. anyhow i still don’t have the nerve to try a WILD now that I know… My suggestion is after reading about the guy seeing a ring on his hand that he only puts on at bedtime in his dreams, I think tonite I’ll put a stripe of electrical tape on my right hand, not enough to cut off circulation but enough to cause pressure, since I’m doing about 30 RC’s per day this might lead to my first LD. Also has anyone successfully downloaded the “nosex2.pdf” from the institute ? i finally got that and couldn’t open it ? Anyway thank you all for posting and sharing all the VALUABLE info on this site.!!!
I feel more like I do now than I did before…